This will be based entirely on your submitted portfolio, which is to be submitted in week 11 of the Spring Semester. Your portfolio should comprise two or more compositions, at least one of which should also be made available in a recording. The presence of a recording is proof of the practicality of your work, as well as being a useful document; it will not, however, be taken into account in the assessment process. The examiners will be looking at the extent to which your compositions demonstrate qualities of musicality, originality, creativity, enterprise, practicality, and versatility, to a greater extent than is required in year 2. Account will also be taken of the clarity of your ideas as demonstrated in your manuscript presentation.
You will attend a viva voce examination with the external examiner and the two internal markers of your portfolio in week 14 or 15 of the Spring Semester. (Although the viva voce may be used to ratify the mark given for your assessment, no specific marks will be awarded for your performance during it.)