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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: SPA1032 Module Title: ORAL SPANISH
Module Provider: Language & Translation Studies Short Name: LIH117
Level: HE1 Module Co-ordinator: FERNANDEZ-TUNON JM Mr (Lang & Trans)
Number of credits: 10 Number of ECTS credits: 5
Module Availability

All year

Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment
Weighting Towards Module Mark( %)
In-class discussions and self-assessment report (400 words in Spanish)
In-class negotiations and self-assessment report (400 words in Spanish
Two in-class presentations and brief self-assessment reports in Spanish
Two in-class listening tests on academic and professional topics and phonetics

Qualifying Condition(s)
A weighted aggregate of 40% is required to pass the module

Module Overview

This is a level 1 module for ab initio Spanish students, focused on developing oral skills: fluency, pronunciation and register, to a B1+/B2 level. It is taught in Spanish over 22 weeks, 1 hour a week over or 2 hours.


Beginners and false beginners of Spanish.

Module Aims

The aim of this module is to develop the students’ oral skills (listening and speaking) to approximately B1+/B2 (in the Common European Framework) by the end of the first year.

  • Listening: The module provides the students with a detailed overview of Spanish Phonetics. It also equips students with strategies for listening in a variety of situations, including presentations and conversations.
  • Speaking: The module provides the students with the skills to give oral presentations and to interact in a range of everyday and professional situations successfully, including discussions and debates. It also provides practice on basic Spanish pronunciation and phonetics.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the students will be able to:
a)       speak Spanish in a range of situations with some degree of fluency and appropriateness
b)       pronounce Spanish accurately and with good intonation appropriate to an intermediate level
c)       interact with some confidence and appropriately in a range of situations in Spanish
d)       understand spoken Spanish in familiar contexts
i. Linguistic
Students will be able to:
a)       understand and produce a range of expressions of frequent use in spoken Spanish at an intermediate level
b)       use a variety of strategies to enable them to communicate successfully
c)       recognise and produce Spanish sounds
ii. Cultural
Students will acquire sufficient cultural and sociolinguistic awareness of Spain and Spanish America to enable them to communicate successfully in a range of situations.
Transferable skills
This module will enable students to develop the following transferable skills:
-          communication and debate, specifically the ability to communicate successfully in a range of situations;
-          presentation skills, through giving and observing mini-presentations in class;

working with others, by means of a range of pair and group tasks in class

Module Content

This module is taught in Spanish to allow students the use of their speaking and listening skills. During the Autumn semester the emphasis will be on pronunciation and audio practice.

  • A range of language functions will be covered, including:
  • Greetings
  • Describing people, objects, places, events
  • Giving information
  • Giving instructions
  • Comparing and contrasting
  • Expressing likes/dislikes, interest
  • Arranging a meeting
  • Giving and reacting to opinions
  • Giving advice
  • Offering and requesting
  • Expressing wishes and making/accepting/rejecting suggestions
  • Expressing hypothesis
  • Agreeing/disagreeing
  • Asking for clarification and interrupting
    Dealing with complaints
    Social Spanish 

Topics will include:

  • Personal information
  • Social interaction
  • The world of work
  • Leisure
  • Time & spatial relationships

In addition, the following phonetic aspects will be practised:

  • the vowels
  • the diphthongs
  • consonant letters
  • phonetic variation of vowels and consonants
  • orthographic features
  • syllabification and word stress
  • sentence stress
  • intonation
Methods of Teaching/Learning

Teaching will be in small groups. The course is taught almost entirely in the target language and the stimulus material used will be drawn from a variety of sources, including texts, audio and video media. Students will be asked to take part in role plays, and discussions on the topics discussed. They will also use the language laboratory to practice identification and production of isolated sounds and intonation patterns. Student progress is monitored via weekly tasks and assignments.

Selected Texts/Journals

Materials will be drawn from a variety of sources, including web-based. Students are encouraged to use the materials in the self-access centre.

Last Updated

JULY 2009