University of Surrey - Guildford

Registry > Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
 Module Code: SOCM006 Module Title: FIELD METHODS
Module Provider: Sociology Short Name: SOCM12
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: FIELDING NG Prof (Sociology)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Autumn semester
Assessment Pattern

Two exercises, both based on fieldwork. Fieldworker welfare will receive emphasis in briefing for the assessments. Students may wish to consult the following link:

Module Overview
Module Aims
The course aims to provide students with a firm methodological basis for conducting various forms of qualitative analysis.  Principal data sources are observational fieldnotes, interview transcripts, and video. Sessions include lectures and practicals.
Learning Outcomes
  • Having completed this module, students should have:
  • gained a critical understanding of the principal forms of collecting qualitative data
  • directly experienced and reported on two of the principal forms of collecting qualitative data, namely participant observation and interviewing
  • gained an understanding of the fundamentals of analysing qualitative data, including systematic analytic procedure and relevant computer software.
Module Content
  • basic skills and techniques of observation research
  • analysis of observation data
  • interviewing skills and techniques
  • making formal descriptions of interactional events
  • measuring attitudes and understanding behaviour
  • still images and visual records in social research
  • systematising interview analysis: strips, schema and inference
  • systematising qualitative analysis: an introduction to CAQDAS
Methods of Teaching/Learning

Sessions include lectures and data workshops.

Selected Texts/Journals

Selected references  


Atkinson P et al (eds) (2001) Handbook of Ethnography, Sage

 Becker, H (1971) Sociological Work,

Allen Lane

 Denzin, N and Lincoln, Y (eds) (2005) Handbook of Qualitative Research 3/e, Sage.

 Fetterman, D (1998) Ethnography:  step by step 2/e, Sage.

 Fielding, N and J. Fielding (2007) 'Synergy and synthesis: integrating qualitative and quantitative data', in P. Alasuutari et al, Handbook of Social Research Methods, Sage.

 Fielding, N and Lee, R (1998) Computer Analysis and Qualitative Research, Sage.

 Fielding, N., Lee, R. & G. Blank (2007) Handbook of Online Research Methods, Sage

 Flick, U. (2002) An introduction to qualitative research, 2/e, Sage

 Gilbert, N.  (ed) (2007) Researching Social Life, Sage

 Hammersley, M. and Atkinson, P (1995) Ethnography 2/e, Routledge

 Hobbs , D. and R. Wright (eds) (2005) Handbook of Fieldwork, Sage

 Lofland, J. and Lofland, L (1994) Analysing Social Settings 3/e, Wadworth.

 Seale, C. et al, eds (2004) Qualitative Research Practice, Sage

 Strauss, A. and J. Corbin (1998) Basics of Qualitative Research 2/e, Sage

 Yin, R (2003) Case Study Research, 2/e, Sage.



















Last Updated

April 2011