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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: SOCM006 Module Title: FIELD METHODS
Module Provider: Sociology Short Name: SOCM12
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: FIELDING NG Prof (Sociology)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Autumn semester
Assessment Pattern
One exercise on observational method
One exercise on interviewing
Module Overview
Module Aims
The course aims to provide students with a firm methodological basis for conducting various forms of qualitative analysis.  Principal data sources are observational fieldnotes, interview transcripts, and video.
Learning Outcomes
Module Content

1. Basic skills and techniques of observation research
2. Analysis of observation data
3. Analysis of observation data: practical
4. Interviewing skills and techniques
5. Interviewing practical 1 (video exercise)
6. Making formal descriptions of interactional events
7. Measuring attitudes understanding behaviour
8. Still images and visual records in social research
9. Interviewing and coding practical (class exercise)
10. Systematising interview analysis in strips: schema and inference
11. Systematising qualitative analysis: an introduction to CAQDAS
12. Inter-relating qualitative and quantitative data

Methods of Teaching/Learning

Sessions include lectures and data workshops.

Selected Texts/Journals

Selected references  


Atkinson P et al (eds) (2001) Handbook of Ethnography, Sage

 Becker, H (1971) Sociological Work,

Allen Lane

 Denzin, N and Lincoln, Y (eds) (2005) Handbook of Qualitative Research 3/e, Sage.

 Fetterman, D (1998) Ethnography:  step by step 2/e, Sage.

 Fielding, N and J. Fielding (2007) 'Synergy and synthesis: integrating qualitative and quantitative data', in P. Alasuutari et al, Handbook of Social Research Methods, Sage.

 Fielding, N and Lee, R (1998) Computer Analysis and Qualitative Research, Sage.

 Fielding, N., Lee, R. & G. Blank (2007) Handbook of Online Research Methods, Sage

 Flick, U. (2002) An introduction to qualitative research, 2/e, Sage

 Gilbert, N.  (ed) (2007) Researching Social Life, Sage

 Hammersley, M. and Atkinson, P (1995) Ethnography 2/e, Routledge

 Hobbs , D. and R. Wright (eds) (2005) Handbook of Fieldwork, Sage

 Lofland, J. and Lofland, L (1994) Analysing Social Settings 3/e, Wadworth.

 Seale, C. et al, eds (2004) Qualitative Research Practice, Sage

 Strauss, A. and J. Corbin (1998) Basics of Qualitative Research 2/e, Sage

 Yin, R (2003) Case Study Research, 2/e, Sage.


Last Updated
27th August 2009