University of Surrey - Guildford

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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
 Module Code: SOC3032 Module Title: THEORISING THE ENVIRONMENT
Module Provider: Sociology Short Name: SOC3032
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: BURNINGHAM KA Dr (Sociology)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Semester 2
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment


Weighting Towards Module Mark( %)


2000 word essay




One hour exam





Qualifying Condition(s) 


A weighted aggregate mark of 40% is required to pass the module.


Module Overview
This module explores the different ways in which sociologists have engaged with nature, the environment and environmental problems from the ‘founding fathers’ to the present day and considers the role of sociology in understanding and analysing environmental problems. We discuss how sociology of the environment casts new light on existing interests within sociology as well as throwing up entirely new topics to be subjected to the sociological gaze.
Module Aims

·         To explore the different ways in which sociologists have engaged with nature


·         To consider the role of sociology in understanding and analysing environmental problems


  • To evaluate the contribution sociology of the environment makes to the discipline
Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module students should:


·         Have an understanding of how the environment has featured in social theory


·         Have a critical understanding of alternative stances taken towards nature and the environment within sociology


·         Understand some key recent developments within sociology of the environment


Module Content

The natural and the social


The emergence of Environmental Sociology


The social construction of environmental problems 


Capitalism, industrialism and the environment


The Risk society


Practice theory


Methods of Teaching/Learning

11 lectures and 11 seminars


Weekly reading and seminar preparation


Selected Texts/Journals

Barry, J. (2007) Environment and Social Theory: Second edition Abingdon: Rutledge


Beck, U. (1992) Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity London: Sage.


Dickens, P. (1996) Reconstructing Nature: Alienation, Emancipation and the Division of Labour  London: Routledge


Dunlap, R., Buttel, F. & Gijswijt, A. (eds) (2002) Sociological theory and the Environment: Classical Foundations, Contemporary Insights Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers


Hannigan, J. (2006) Environmental Sociology: second edition London: Routledge


Irwin, A. & Michael, M. (2003) Science, Social Theory and Public Knowledge Open University Press


Redclift, M & Benton, T. (1994) Social theory and the Global Environment London:Routledge.


Sutton, P. (2004) Nature, Environment and Society Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan


Last Updated
April 2011