University of Surrey - Guildford

Registry > Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Module Provider: Sociology Short Name: SOC2034
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: COHEN RL Dr (Sociology)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Semester 1
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment


Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)


Qualitative Interviews and Analysis Report (2500 words)




Sampling exercise (750 words)




Online survey construction exercise (750 words)




Qualifying Condition(s) 


A weighted aggregate mark of 40% is required to pass the module.


Module Overview
This course explores the practice and analysis of qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research. In particular the course explores the ways in which we can find out about the world, social behaviour, and audience responses through asking questions, be that in qualitative interviews or standardised surveys. The course gives students hands-on experience with interviewing, analysis, sampling and survey development.
Module Aims

·         To provide an overview of the different (qualitative and quantitative) methods that are used within sociology, media studies and criminology, especially methods that involve asking participants questions about what they think or believe or what they are doing or have done

·         To introduce students to the practical and epistemological problems involved in conducting qualitative interviews and conducting surveys


  • To provide students with experience in conducting research and writing about the research process
Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module students should:


·         Understand key methodological issues in researching society, the media or criminology


·         Become familiar with designing and conducting research around a research question


·         Be able to carry out collection of primary qualitative data, analyse the data and write a report on the findings


·         Be able to evaluate the benefits of different sampling strategies


·         Be able to design a (brief) online questionnaire.


·         Develop a reflexive and self-critical perspective to the research process


  • Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for different research questions
Module Content

Topics covered include:


·         Ethical and power issues in conducting fieldwork

·         Finding participants and constructing a sample

·         Qualitative interviewing process and focus groups

·         Designing and fielding a survey

·         Dealing with survey bias, error and non-response


  • Analyzing interview data. 
Methods of Teaching/Learning

11 lectures and 11 classes


Weekly reading


Practical exercises
Selected Texts/Journals

Buckingham, A. and Saunders, P. (2004) The Survey Methods Workbook. Cambridge: Polity.

De Vaus, D.A. (2002) in Surveys in Social Research, 5th Edition. London: UCL Press.

Gilbert N. (ed) (2008) Researching Social Life 3rd Edition. London: Sage

Gunter, B. (2000) Media Research Methods: measuring audiences, reactions and impact. Sage.

King, N. and Horrocks, C. (2010) Interviews in Qualitative Research London: Sage

Mason, J. (2002) Qualitative Researching 2nd Edition. London: Sage

Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods. 3rd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Last Updated
April 2011