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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: SOC2008 Module Title: SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS 2
Module Provider: Sociology Short Name: SOC203
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: COHEN RL Dr (Sociology)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Availability


Assessment Pattern

Research folder consisting of four exercises: (1) Qualitative interview exercise; (2) Analysis of qualitative data exercise; (3) Sampling exercise; (4) Survey Design. (25% each)




Module Overview
Module Aims

Having completed this module, students should:



1.    Understand some key methodological issues in different research approaches



2.    Be able to carry out collection of primary qualitative data and write a report on the findings and analysis of the data



3.    Be familiar with current debates and issues about sampling, analysis, and interpretation in quantitative and qualitative research



4.    Be able to carry out secondary analyses of survey data and write a sociological research report on the findings



Learning Outcomes

Having completed this module, students should:



1.    Understand some key methodological issues in different research approaches



2.    Be able to carry out collection of primary qualitative data and write a report on the findings and analysis of the data



3.    Be familiar with current debates and issues about sampling, analysis, and interpretation in quantitative and qualitative research



4.    Be able to carry out secondary analyses of survey data and write a sociological research report on the findings



Module Content

Part A: Qualitative Analysis                                                                     



The first part of this module is concerned with the practise of qualitative data collection and analysis.  Topics covered include: 
The logic of social science explanation
Ethics and social research 
Collecting interview data                                   
Analysis of interview data
Ethnographic methods



Part B: Quantitative methods – sampling and causal research                        



The second part of the module provides students with an overview of some of the main issues involved in designing, implementing and analysing a quantitative survey.  Topics covered in this part of the course will include:
Principles of survey research
Complex sample designs
Non response
Secondary analysis issues
Establishing causality


Methods of Teaching/Learning
Selected Texts/Journals
Part A:

Selected References


Gilbert, N. (ed) (2008) Researching Social Life, Sage, 3rd edition



Mason, J. (2002) Qualitative Researching, Sage, 2nd edition



Silverman D, (1997), Qualitative Research: theory, method and practice, Sage



Strauss A and Corbin J, (1998), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory: Procedures and Techniques, 2nd edition, Sage

Part B:

Essential reading:



Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Weisberg, H.F., Krosnick, J.A., and Bowen, B.D. (1996) An Introduction to Survey Research, Polling, and Data Analysis. London : Sage.




Recommended reading:



De Vaus, D.A. (2002) Surveys in Social Research, 5th Edition. London : UCL Press.



Sapsford, R. and Jupp, V. (2006) Data Collection and Analysis. London : Sage.



Gilbert N. (Ed.) (2008) Researching Social Life, 3rd Edition. London : Sage.




Last Updated

September 2010