University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Psychology Short Name: PS.345
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: HEGARTY PJ Dr (Psychology)
Number of credits: 10 Number of ECTS credits: 5
Module Availability
Final Year PSY/APS
Assessment Pattern

Weekly reading notes (30%)
Term paper (70%

Module Overview
All Level 2 Psychology modules
Module Aims
This course is an advanced introduction to topics, debates, theories, and findings in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans psychology.  You will be able to critically approase the expanding range of methods by which psychologists now study sexual and gender minorities, and conceptualize societal prejudice.  You will be able to apply your thinking to emerging debates in contemporary sexual politics that traffic in psychological terms.
Learning Outcomes
The curriculum provides an overview of the ways that sexual and gender minorities have been positioned in psychological theories, rendered as objects of psychological theories, rendered as objects of psychological interventions, and become agents of social change through the deployment of the discipline of psychology and other means.  You will be expected to read a wide range of texts from multiple perspectives closely to formulate novel discussion questions from those texts, to be able to integrate and synthesize common themes and ideas in lgbt psychology.  You will be expected to read texts that are germane to psychology but which were not written within the present historical context, and which are not oriented to contemporary readers, and to think critically about forms of psychological knowledge that have been formulated in the distant and more recent past.  You will be expected to develop a critical position, grounded in explicit values, on psychology's engagement with broader sexual politics in diverse contexts, and to apply your perspective to novel debates in sexual politics. 
Module Content
Hostory of LGBT psychology; biological, psychoanalytic, and social constructionist theories of sexuality and gender; health inequalities, stigmatization and prejudice, identity formation among sexual and gender minorities; the political psychology of sexual and gender minorities.
Methods of Teaching/Learning
Selected Texts/Journals
Brown, L. (1989). New voices/New visions: toward a lesbian/gay paradigm for psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 13 445-458.

Hale, J, (no date). Suggested rules for non-transsexuals writing about transsexual, transsexuality, transsexualism or trans_.

Herek, G.M., Kimmel, D.C., Amaro, H., & Melton, G.B. (1991). Avoiding heterosexist bias in psychological research. American Psychologist, 46, 957-963.

Kitzinger, C. (1997). Lesbian and gay psychology: A critical analysis. In D.Fox & I.Prilleltensky (eds) Critical Psychology: An Introduction. London, UK:Sage.

*Petford, B. (2003). Power in the darkness: Some thoughts on the marginalization of bisexuality in psychological literature. Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 4 (2), 5-13.

Feminism & Psychology
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Sex Research
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review.

Last Updated
July 2010