University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Psychology Short Name: PS.PO1 PROF
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: MILLWARD PURVIS LJ Dr (Psychology)
Number of credits: 0 Number of ECTS credits: 0
Module Availability

Runs across semesters one and two.

Assessment Pattern

Learing Portfolio; learning contract, 1000 word reflective learning log, goal setting, completed class exercises.  Detailed constructive feedback will be provided on all portfolios.  Full curriculum vitae (peer assessed).

Attendance and active/constructive participation in class exercises.

Module Overview


Successful completion of all Level 1 core Psychology modules. All other Level 2 Psychology modules are co-requisites.

Module Aims

The aim of this module is:
a) to integrate personal and professional development,
b)produce learning contracts that enable students to take responsibility for their own learning and in forging the links between this learning and their own personal and professional development, and
c)prepare students with an appropriate attitude, knowledge and skill base to secure a placement aligned with their own interests and goals.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

a) identify what is expected of them in their second year in terms of their learning and development goals,

b)take active steps to resource these goals with academic and placement staff in the role of facilitators/mentors,

c)articulate placement goals facilitated by personal tutors,

d)secure a placement with the help of the placement office,

e)inform the placement office of placement details,

f)reflect on learning and development in a constructive way, and

g)identify ways in which learning and practice can be integrated during the placement year.

Module Content

Placement selection

Preparing a curriculum vitae (CV)

Finding a placement

How to be interviewed

Placement experience and roles

Working in teams

Professional practice and ethics

Career development

Methods of Teaching/Learning

NB: This module and its coursework is a compulsory part of the course. While it does not contribute to the degree classification, coursework must be submitted in order to: 

a) increase knowledge of professional practice and conduct

b) facilitate the finding of suitable professional placements

c) show evidence of attendance

Selected Texts/Journals

British Psychological Society (1993a) Code of Conduct, Ethical Principles and Guidelines. Leicester ; The British Psychological Society.

See also: Code of Conduct. The Psychologist, October 1995, pp 452-453.

Barrett, M. (2000) Practical and Ethical Issues in Planning Research. In: G.M. Breakwell, S. Hammond & C. Fife-Schaw (eds) Research Methods in Psychology. Sage.

Lindsay, G. & Colley, A. (1995) Ethical dilemmas of members of the Society. The Psychologist, October 1995, pp 448-451.

Schweigert, W. (1994) Research Methods and Statistics for Psychology. Pacific Grove , Ca.: Brooks-Cole. (see Chapter 2, Ethics in Research).

Last Updated

July 2010.