University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: PSY2003 Module Title: COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 2
Module Provider: Psychology Short Name: PS.202
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: SOWDEN PT Dr (Psychology)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Availability

Runs once, across both semesters.

Assessment Pattern
Units of Assessment   
Weighting towards Module Mark (%)
Essay (1200 words)
1 examination paper
Module Overview

Successful completion of all Level 1 core Psychology modules. All other Level 2 Psychology modules are co-requisites.

Module Aims

The aim of this course is to have students explore the theories, methods and findings in studies of perception and cognition.

By the end of the module, the students should have an understanding of the nature and scope of research on perception and cognition, be aware of the theoretical approaches which have been used to describe and explain behaviour in this domain, and present evidence of reasoning and analytical skills which will enable them to critically evaluate these approaches.

Cognitive Psychology is concerned with the ways people acquire, retain and use knowledge. In psychological terminology it is the study of perception, memory, learning and thinking. Cognitive Psychology 2 extends the topics covered in the first year and presents the main theories, findings and current issues within this area of enquiry. It builds on the topics covered in the level 1 module to provide a greater depth of understanding.




Learning Outcomes

Module Content

Cognitive Psychology is concerned with the ways people acquire, retain and use knowledge. In psychological terminology it is the study of perception, memory, learning and thinking. Cognitive Psychology 2 extends the topics covered in the first year and presents the main theories, findings and current issues within this area of enquiry. It builds on the topics covered in the level 1 module to provide a greater depth of understanding.This level 2 module will be based around the following general topics: 

1. Visual Pathways and Perceptual Processes
2. Colour and Lightness Perception
3  Perception of Location, Distance and Size
4. Attention and Performance
5. Memory and Learning
6. Thinking


Methods of Teaching/Learning

Lectures – 20 x 2 hours.

Selected Texts/Journals

Baddeley, A.D. (2007).  Working Memory, thought and action. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Berry. D., & Dienes, Z. (1993) Implicit Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Issues.  Hove: Psychology Press Ltd.
Braisby, N. & Gellatly, A. (2005) (Eds.) Cognitive Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Coren, S., Ward, L.W. and Enns, J.T. (1999).  Sensation and Perception (5th ed). Harcourt Brace.
Eysenck, M.W. and Keane, M. (2005). Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook.  Hove: Lawrence Eribaum Associates.
Farah, M.J. (2000).  The Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision.  Blackwell Publishers.
Gilhooly, JK. (1996) Thinking: Directed, Undirected & Creative.  Academic Press Inc.
Groeger, J.A. (1997).  Memory and rememberingEveryday memory in context.  London: Addison-Wesley-Longman.
Johnson-Laird, P. (2006) How we reason.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sekular, R. and Blake, R. (1994, 2001, 2006).  Perception. McGraw-Hill Inc.
Snowden, R., Thompson, P., and Troscianko, T. (2006) Basic Vision. Oxford University Press

Last Updated

July 2010