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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Psychology Short Name: PS.110 PRAC
Level: HE1 Module Co-ordinator: O'NEILL D Mr (Psychology)
Number of credits: 30 Number of ECTS credits: 15
Module Availability
10 x 3 hour sessions running throughout the year
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment  
Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)
3 short research projects (20% each)  and 1 major research project (40%) during the year.

Module Overview
This module provides instruction in the principles and procedures of research, statistical analysis, computer-based report or poster preparation and statistical computing. Practical experience will be provided by means of laboratory experiments and computer-based exercises.

All other Level 1 Psychology are co-requisites. This module is complementary to module PSY1009.

Module Aims

The aim of the module is to complement to that of module PSY1009: Statistics. Both modules aim to introduce the students to the main research methodologies and techniques used within Psychology.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, the student should be familiar with basic design and statistical techniques. This should provide the student with the basic skills necessary to design and perform a simple piece of psychological research, analyse the data obtained, and produce a concise report which will enable others to follow the rationale of the study and replicate it.

Module Content


This module provides instruction in the principles and procedures of research, statistical analysis, computer-based report or poster preparation and statistical computing. Practical experience will be provided by means of classroom projects and computer-based exercises.

The different elements of the module will interrelate with each other and with PSY1009: Statistics: topics covered in the statistics module will be applied during practical classes and studies covered in the practical classes will form the basis of the discussion and work performed during the tutorial and computing classes.



 The module will also interrelate with other modules taken by psychology students. Individual practical classes will relate to the other first year modules. The module will cover different topics of Psychology. This will allow the student practical experience of the research side of these lecture modules and provide an opportunity to discuss the application of research methods in these areas of psychology.




Methods of Teaching/Learning

The two elements of the module, Practical classes, Tutorials/Computing have their own time slots and forms. These are outlined below:

1. Practical exercises in data gathering and reporting

This unit covers:

1. Description, categorisation and measurement in Psychology

2. Defining and reporting research studies

3. Analysing and interpreting results and integrating statistical analysis and interpretation.

In the main, classes will be presented in the form of practicals led by a member of the lecturing staff with assistance from tutors. Students will be given an area of research, taken through the rationale of the study, presented with materials, apparatus and procedures for conducting the study and will perform the study on each other or participants obtained from around the university. The student will then be expected to analyse the data obtained during the practical (with appropriate guidance, see Tutorials/Computing) and produce a report.

Topics will include: general introduction and report writing, ethical issues, and the practical application of research methods such as observation techniques, survey designing, experimental methods, psychometric and multivariate designs.

2. Research Methods Tutorials

This unit will support associated data gathering and reporting classes. They will take the form of discussions and practical advice on report writing.

Selected Texts/Journals

Essential reading:
Coolican, H. (2009). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (5th ed). Hodder & Stoughton, London .

Pallant, J. (2007). SPSS Survival Manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS for windows. (3rd Edition). Open University Press, Berkshire .  

Brace, N, Kemp, R. and Snelgar, R. (2009). SPSS for Psychologists. Macmillan Press, Basingstoke .
Breakwell G.M., Hammond S. and Fife-Schaw C.R. (2006) Research Methods In Psychology (3rd ed). Sage, London .
Dancey, C.P. & Reidy, J.   (2008).   Statistics Without Maths for Psychology (4th ed). London , Pearson.
Field, A.  (2009). Discovering Statistics using SPSS for Windows.  London , Sage.
Howell D.C. (2001). Statistical Methods for Psychology (5th ed). Duxbury Press, Boston .

Last Updated
