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Registry > Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: AEPP
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: GRIMMETT ND Ms (HSC)
Number of credits: 60 Number of ECTS credits: 30
Module Availability

All year round.
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment
Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)
Portfolio - one reflective piece of a 1000 words; reading logs x 4 relating to the reflection; completion of practice competencies; Practice Diary
Literature review     - 3,000 words
Evidence used should be critiqued and appropriate and relevant to the area of practice.  The review should be applied to practice from reliable sources.
Qualifying Condition(s) A pass mark of 40% is required in both units of the assessment
Module Overview

This module provides an overview of multiprofessional patient centred care approaches with insight into using evidence based methods to inform and develop practice.  Students will continue to develop and enhance knowledge and skills in perioperative practice.

Completion of the Year One modules for the Dip HE in ODP.
Module Aims

The module enables students to develop skills and knowledge in assessment, planning, implementation and evaluating the peri-operative care of patient groups as part of a multi-professional team. Students will develop understanding of different evidence based approaches that can be applied and evaluated in clinical practice. The practice element will continue to develop the students’ surgical skills including perioperative care. Communication skills, self-awareness and reflection are developed further in this module to analyse the effectiveness of the planned patient centred care in meeting the needs of individual patients during the peri-operative journey.
Learning Outcomes

The figures in parentheses (xy) after each learning outcome relate to the HPC ‘Standards of Proficiency’
At the end of the module the student should be able to:
Professional practice skills
·       Demonstrate achievement of the professional competencies for this module through relevant legislation and policies, including those which influence the practitioner’s delivery of patient centred care.(1a.1, 1b.1)
·       Analyse using a wide variety of communication skills information on the care needs of the individual patient are met by taking into account the physical, emotional, psychological, and personal beliefs of the patient.(1b.4, 1b.5, 2a.1)
·       Assess, plan, implement and evaluate peri-operative care needs of patients within a variety of clinical disciplines. To include day case, in-patient and non-scheduled groups.(2a.2, 2a.4)
·       Develop self in the diverse roles of the Operating Department Practitioner whilst delivering peri-operative care to differing patient groups across a wider range of clinical specialities, techniques and environments. (3a.1)
Values and attitudes
·       Practice in a non-judgemental manner, acknowledging differences between beliefs and practices.(1a.2)
·       Recognise the importance and relevance of ethical issues surrounding practice (1a.1, 1a.3, 1a.4, 1a.7)
·       Develop practice skills and knowledge, recognising the implications of personal accountability and scope of practice.(1a.5, 1a.7)
Knowledge and Understanding
·       Understand their role as a member of the care team with the implementation and evaluation of peri-operative care plans. (1b.2)
·       Analyse principles of pre-assessment which influence patient care planning and delivery of care. (1b.2)
·       Critically evaluate the ethical and legal implications of communication; record keeping and the role of clinical governance which impact on patient care delivery. (1b.4, 1b.5, 2b.5)
·       Distinguish between the comprehensive roles of the anaesthetic, scrubbed and non-scrubbed practitioner whilst delivering peri-operative care to differing patient groups across an identified range of clinical environments (3a.1)
·       Differentiate between the preparation and utilisation of surgical equipment used to support basic surgical procedures with those used in more advanced techniques (3a.1)
Cognitive Skills
·       Assess and prioritise patient care needs with supervision from a registered practitioner.(2a.2)
·       Interpret evidence and its application to practice
·       Assess relevant audit data and explain how this is used to inform and change practice (2c.1, 2c.2)
·       Evaluate transferable skills within peri-operative environment across a range of surgical specialities (3a.1)
Key Skills
·       Identify how to access, retrieve and process information required for evidence based practice (2b.2)
·       Select and utilise relevant evidence to support care delivery (2b.1, 3a.2)
·       Develop reflective writing for analysis of peri-operative care (2c.2)
·       Interact effectively with others as a member of the peri-operative team to develop independent and collaborative professional working relationships (1b.1, 1b.3)
Module Content

Professional Development of Communication
Exploring Caldicott principles in a wider context; applying communication strategies in care and support of the broader healthcare environment; examining the concept of informed consent.
Developing as a member of the peri-operative team
Equality and diversity issues; effects of stress and how these impact on teams, patient, carers and users; managing and understanding conflict; surgical skills for intermediate surgery; principles of wound healing and appropriate application of dressing drains and urethral catheterisation; continue development of anaesthesia practice.
Developing professional practice
Apply evidence to practice to inform personal and professional development, system awareness; root cause analysis; risk assessment; learning from adverse outcomes; national legislation and guidance; clinical governance framework.
Exploring care needs and patient individuality
Role of supporting agencies such as PALS; defining the expert patient; patient care pathways; role of pre-assessment in the patient’s journey.
Developing reflective writing for level of study
Evaluating and applying skills as a developing reflective practitioner using an enquiry based approach. Using knowledge of research tools in critiquing literature.
Methods of Teaching/Learning

The module will encompass a range of learning activities including enquiry based learning, and discussion/seminar groups.
Contact time will be organised as follows:
• core lectures
• personal tutor groups.

Selected Texts/Journals

Required reading:
Aitkenhead A R, Smith G and Rawbotham D J 2007 Test book of Anaesthesia  5th Edition. Churchill Livingstone.
Berry & Kohns 2004 Operating Room Technique 10th Edition. Mosby
Chambers R and Boath E 2001 Clinical Effectiveness and Clinical Governance Made Easy, 2nd Edition Radcliffe Primary Care
Daugherty L and Lister S The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing procedures  6th Edition Blackwell.
Dawes M, Davies P, Gray A, Mant J, Seers K, Snowball R Evidence-based Practice A Primer for health care Professionals 2nd Edition
Driscoll J 2006 Practising Clinical Supervision A Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals 3rd Edition Elsevier
Garrard, J. (2005) Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy, Jones and Bartlett, Boston
Hamer S and Collinson G 2005 Achieving Evidence-based Practice A handbook for Practitioners, 2nd Edition Bailliere Tindall.
Hart, C. (1998) Doing a Literature Review – Releasing the Social Sciences, Sage, Newbury Park.
Johnstone M J 1999  Bioethics A Nursing Perspective 4th Edition
Timmins, F. & McCabe, C. 2005, ‘How to Conduct an Effective Literature search’, Nursing Standard., vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 41-47.
Tschudin V 2003 Ethics in Nursing The Caring Relationship 3rd Edition. Butterworth Heinemann
Wicker P, O’Neil J, 2006 Caring for the Perioperative Patient Blackwell
Wilkinson, J. & Wilkinson, C. 1995, How to conduct a literature review, Nursing Standard., vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 28-30.

Journal of One day Surgery
Web sites
Last Updated

4 June 2008