University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: LEADEMPPART
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: FISHER C Mrs (HSC)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Semester 2
Assessment Pattern

Assignment for SCPHN students:
Critically appraise health promotion theories that underpin an intervention in which you have taken part or led, in practice.

Word count 3000 words (100%)

Alternative assignment for NON-SCPHN students:

Critically appraise health promotion theories that underpin a health promotion intervention, which is linked to current public health policy.

Word count 3000 (100%)
Module Overview
Module Aims
• To develop effective skills that can be applied to the facilitation of health enhancing activities in public health professional contexts
• To enhance practitioners skills in raising awareness of health needs in acting to promote and protect health and well being
• To critically appraise policy issues that impact on service provision
• To develop the necessary knowledge and skills to manage public health practice
• To critically evaluate the theories underpinning public health practice
• To critically examine and assess the applicability of management theories and practice in a public health context

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the student should be able to::

Subject knowledge and understanding
• identify learning needs and formulate an individualised, self directed programme of learning through the use of a negotiated learning contract
• Critically evaluate the evidence base of health, public health, social, political and economic factors which influence patient / client health status and care
• Analyse and critically evaluate service provision in relation to client need and public health policy requirements at local and national levels
• Demonstrate critical awareness the legal and ethical concepts
• Critically evaluate the role of management in delivering health care

Cognitive skills
• Critically appraise the factors which identify need and influence contemporary public health policy issues
• Lead and evaluate strategies designed to promote health and empower patients, clients and carers to influence and use available services
• Critically appraise the knowledge and skills they have gained to develop professional practice
• Enhance their professional knowledge through ongoing reflection in and on public health practice

Practical skills
• Support and empower patients, clients and carers to influence and use available services, information and skills to the full and to participate in decisions concerning their care
• Critically evaluate the contribution of health and social agencies those which will assist and improve the care of individuals, groups and communities
• Advise on services to assist with care; the services may be statutory, voluntary or private and at local, regional and national levels
• Lead and maintain effective multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working partnerships including local statutory and voluntary agencies, building health alliances to effect health gain
• Enhance their professional knowledge through the process of reflection

Key / transferable skills
• Take a creative approach to the development and maintenance of one’s own knowledge to inform evidence-based practice
• Practice advanced communication, networking and facilitation skills
• Effectively manage information and communication technology in the retrieval and presentation of data
• Promote quality and risk management by developing self critical approaches to life long learning
Module Content
Public Health and Social Policy

Identification of learning needs within the context of public health practice
Reflection in and on practice
Application of principles of community development to practice
Health and social policy development
Development contemporary public health practice
The Public Health Agenda
The Ten Key Areas of the Standards for Specialist Public Health Practitioners approved by the Faculty of Public Health Medicine
The Knowledge and Skills Framework
Health Promotion and Social Marketing
The standards for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing

Public health practice

Introduction to health promotion practice
Using facilitation and presentation skills
Working with groups and communities
Accountability framework for multi-agency, multi-disciplinary working.
Effective team working for multi-agency, multi-disciplinary working
Demonstration of leadership skills in multi-agency, multi-disciplinary working
Methods of Teaching/Learning

Taught: 36 hours
Self-directed learning: 170 hours 

In order to demonstrate achievement of learning for each module within the programme, it is expected that each student will attend all of the taught component. However, it is acknowledged that difficulties may arise preventing an individual’s attendance. Therefore the minimum attendance required will be 80% of the taught component of each module. This includes allowing for Annual leave. Any absence should be discussed in advance, with the module organiser. Any students failing to meet the attendance criteria for a module will be unable to submit their assessment.
Selected Texts/Journals

Cowley S (2002) Public Health in Policy and Practice Baillière Tindall, London

Ewles L. & Simnet I. (2003) Promoting Health: A Practical guide (5th edn). Baillière Tindall, Edinburgh

Department of Health (2004) Choosing Health: making healthy choices easier DH, London

Department of Health (2008) What is social marketing DH, London

Department of Health (2008) Ambitions for health DH, London

Naidoo J, Wills J (2009) Health Promotion. Foundations for Practice. (3rd edn) Baillière Tindall, London

Rudolf M (2010) Tackling obesity through the healthy child forum: a framework for action University of Leeds, Leeds Available from http://


Ham C (2004) Health Policy in Britain (5thedn) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Siddell M, Jones L, Katz J, Pederby A, Douglas J (2003) Debates and Dilemmas in
Promoting Health (2ndedn) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Tones K., Tilford S. (eds) (2001) Health Education: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity. (3rd edn) Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham

Tones K., Green J. (2004) Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies. Sage, London


Acheson D. (1998) Independent inquiry into inequalities in health. London, The Stationery Office

Baker M (2000) Making Sense of the NHS White Papers (2ndedn) Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxford

Black N., Gruen R. (2005) Understanding Health Services (2005) Open University Press, Maidenhead

Costello J, Haggart M (2003) Public Health and Society Palgrave, Basingstoke

Cox C L (2001) Clinical Effectiveness in Practice Palgrave, Basingstoke

Davies C, Finlay L, Bullman A (2000) Changing Practice in Health & Social Care Sage, London

Hill M (1998) Understanding Social Policy (3rdedn) Blackwell, Oxford

Holland W.W & Werner W. (1998) Public Health: The vision & the challenge. Nuffield Trust. London.

Hyde V. (ed) (2001) Community Nursing: Insights and Innovations. Arnold. London

Kiger A. (2004) Teaching for Health (3rd edn) Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

Klein R (2001) The New Politics of the NHS (4thedn) Prentice Hall, Harlow

McCormack B Manley K Garbett R (2004) Practice development in nursing, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford

Murray L, Andrews E (2000) The Social Baby Children’s Project Publishing, London

Pomerleau J, McKee M, (2005) Issues in Public Health, Open University Press Maidenhead

Peckham S. & Exworthy M. (2003) Primary Care in the UK. Palgrave. Basingstoke

Rawaf S, Bahl V (1998) Assessing the health needs of minority ethnic groups Royal College of Physicians, London.

Sarafino E.P. (2006) Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interventions, (5th edn), Wiley, New York

Scriven A (ed) (2005) Health promoting practice Palgrave Macmillam, Basingstoke

Seedhouse D (2003) Health Promotion: Philosophy, Prejudice and Practice Wiley Chichester

Sines D., Appleby F. & Raymond B (eds) (2001) Community Healthcare Nursing. Oxford, Blackwell Science. Pp: 58-75.

Sines D, Appleby F, Raymond B (2001) Community Health Care Nursing Blackwell Science, Oxford

Vostanis P, Cumella S (eds) (1999) Homeless Children Problems and Needs. London, Jessica Kingsley

Watterson A (ed) (2003) Public Health in Practice Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Wright J (1998) Health needs assessment in practice. London, BMJ Publishing

Specialist tutors will advise students on the specific reading required for their area of practice.


British Medical Journal
Child and Maternal Health
Community Care
Community Practitioner
Critical Public Health
Health and Social care in the Community
Health Promotion International
Health Service Journal
International Journal of Health Promotion
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Journal of Community Nursing
Journal of Health Promotion
Journal of Public Health
Journal of Public Health Medicine
Nursing Standard
Professional Nurse

USEFUL WEBSITES for life for life
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