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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
 Module Code: NURM020 Module Title: LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: LEADER&MGT
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: EYRES J Dr (HSC)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Semester 2
Assessment Pattern
a) A case study analysis of leadership/management in an organisation of the student’s choice.

b) A critical reflection on a leadership/management issue within the student’s own area of practice.

The assessment will be presented in a format of the student’s choosing and will be 3,000 words in length.
Module Overview
Module Aims
This module invites students to critically review their assumptions about leadership and management, and to reflect on their own and their organisation’s leadership practices. This will be achieved through exploring and analysing key leadership and management issues in health and social care, with the emphasis on challenging and debating contemporary theory and practice.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the student will be able to:

Subject knowledge and understanding

• Describe key leadership and management theories, appreciate their theoretical underpinnings and evaluate their practice implications.
• Recognise contemporary approaches to clinical leadership.
• Understand organisations.
• Understand the theory and practice of organisational change.

Practical skills

• Apply theories and models of management, leadership and change to own practice.
• Reflect on, and adjust, own leadership style to the presenting situation.
• Take a broad view of organisational and policy issues when planning and delivering services.

Cognitive skills

• Critically analyse leadership and management issues.
• Challenge existing leadership and management practice and make recommendations for change.
• Apply a wider perspective to organisational issues.

Key skills

• Develop a critical approach to dealing with leadership and management issues.
• Demonstrate knowledge of leadership and management theories and models.
• Recognise and show awareness of emotional leadership.

Module Content

The module content connects with the following themes:

The big picture/leadership
theoretical perspectives on leadership and management.
healthcare policy, strategy and reform.

Organisation and culture
ways of seeing organisation, change and culture.

People and organisations
managing people and organisations.
individual and organisational learning and development .

Critical Management Studies
questioning taken-for-granted assumptions about management, leadership and organisation.
asking ‘How can things be different?’

Methods of Teaching/Learning

Teaching will be by interactive lectures/discussions/seminar groups/experiential activities/group work 

Contact hours: 30 hours
Work-based/self-directed: 150 hours
Selected Texts/Journals


The Big Picture/Leadership
Goodwin, N. 2006 Leadership in health care: a European perspective. Abingdon: Routledge.
Grint, K. 1997 Leadership: classical, contemporary and critical approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hewison, A. 2004 Management for Nurses and Health Professionals: Theory into practice, Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Yukl, G.A. 2002 Leadership in Organizations, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Organisation and Culture
Handy, C. 1993 Understanding Organizations (4th edition), London: Penguin.
Morgan, G. 1986 Images of Organization, London: Sage.
Wilson, D. 1992 A Strategy of Change: Concepts and controversies in the management of change, Bristol: Thomson Learning.

Emotions in Organisations
Fineman, S. 2000 Emotions in Organisations (2nd edition), London: Sage.

Information, Communication and Healthcare
Abbott, W.; Blankley, N.; Bryant, J. and Bullas, S. 2004 Information in Healthcare, Swindon: The British Computer Society.

People Issues in Organisations
Forbes, N. and Wield, D. 2002 From Followers to Leaders, London: Routledge.
Legge, K. 1995 Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and realities, Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Mor Barak, M. 2005 Managing Diversity: Towards a globally inclusive workplace, Sage Publications.

Evaluation and Accountability
Guba, E. and Lincoln, Y. 1989 Fourth Generation Evaluation, London: Sage.
O’Neill, O. 2002 A Question of Trust: The BBC Reith Lectures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Critical Management Studies
Grey, C. 2005 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organisations. London: Sage.
Grey, C. and Willmott, H. (eds.) 2005 Critical Management Studies: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parker, M. 2002 Against Management: Organization in the age of managerialism. Cambridge: Polity Press.


The Big Picture/Leadership
Conger, J. and Kanungo, R. 1998 Charismatic Leadership in Organizations, London: Sage.
Denning, S. 2007 The secret language of leadership: how leaders inspire action through narrative. Jossey-Bass.
Exworthy, M. and Halford, S. (eds.) 2002 Professionals and the new managerialism in the public sector, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Ferlie, E., Ashburner, L. et al. 1996 The New Public Management in Action, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Huber, D. 2000 Leadership and nursing care management (2nd edition). USA: W.B. Saunders Company.
Klein, R. 2001 The New Politics of the NHS, 4th edition, Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Perkins, H. J. 1989 The rise of professional society: England since 1880, London: Routledge.
Scase, R. and Goffee, R. 1989 Reluctant Managers: Their work and lifestyles, London: Routledge.
Wedderburn-Tate, C. 1999 Leadership in nursing. London: Churchill Livingstone.

Organisation and Culture
Attwood, M., Pedler, M. et al. 2003 Leading Change: A guide to whole systems working, Bristol: The Policy Press.
Brooks, I. 1999 Organisational Behaviour: Individuals, Groups and the Organisation. London: Financial Times Pitman Publishing.
Collins, D. 1998 Organizational change: Sociological perspectives, London: Routledge.
Easterby-Smith, M; Burgoyne J. and Araujo, L. (eds.), 1999 Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in theory and practice, London: Sage.
Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D. 1997 Organisational Behaviour, 3rd edition, London: Prentice Hall.
Mark, A. and Dopson, S. 1999 Organisational Behaviour in Health Care: The research agenda, Basingstoke: Macmillan Business.
Peck, E. (ed.) 2005 Organisational Development in Healthcare, Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd.
Stacey, R., Griffin, D. and Shaw, P. 2000 Complexity and Management: Fad or radical challenge to systems thinking, New York: Routledge.
Watson, T. 1994 In Search of Management: Culture, chaos and control in managerial work, London: International Thomson Business Press.

Emotions in Organisations
Frost, P. 2003 Toxic Emotions at Work, Cambridge: Harvard Business Press.
Hochschild, A. 1983 The Managed Heart: The commercialisation of human feeling, Berkeley: California University Press.
Hochschild, A. 1999 The Time Bind, London: Polity Press.
Obholzer, V. and Roberts, A. (eds.) 1994 The Unconscious at Work: Individual and organizational stress in the human services, London: Routledge.
Smith, P. 1992 The Emotional Labour of Nursing: How nurses care, Basingstoke: Macmillan.

People Issues in Organisations
Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P. (eds.) 1992 Reassessing Human Resource Management, London: Sage.
Bridges, W. (2003) Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Burgoyne, J. and Reynolds, M. (eds.) 1997 Management Learning: Integrating perspectives in theory and practice, London: Sage.
Freire, P. 1974 Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Lave, J. and Wenger, E. 1991 Situated Learning: Legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J. and Boydell, T. 2001 A manager’s guide to self-development. London: McGraw-Hill.
Robinson, D., Hewitt, T. and Harriss J. 2000 Managing Development: Understanding inter-organisational relationships, London: Sage.
Wenger, E. 1998 Communities of Practice: Learning, meaning and identity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Garcarz, W., Chambers, R. and Ellis, S. 2003 Make your healthcare organisation a learning organisation. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press.
Marshall, J. 1984 Women managers: travellers in a male world. New York: Wiley.
Scott, S. 2002 Fierce conversations: achieving success at work and in life, one conversation at a time. London: Piatkus.
Tannen, D. 1995 Talking from 9 to 5: how women’s and men’s conversational styles affect who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done at work. Virago Press.

Harvard Business Review
Health Service Journal
Health Services Management Research
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Nursing Management
Management Learning
Organization Studies



Academic Search Premier
Business Source Premier

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