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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: NUR3056
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: COLLIETY P Dr (HSC)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Availability
Semester 2
Assessment Pattern
Students will be expected to either lead in the delivery of care for an individual child or young person or co-ordinate the work of a team for a shift or other appropriate length of time. The student’s mentor or PT will be asked to give feedback to the student using the competencies drawn from the Skills for Health document for children’s services as a basis for the discussion.

Reflection on Practice – 2,500 words (100%)
Students will present an analytical reflective study of the situation above. The study will conclude with recommendations for practice plus a reflective account of their personal learning. Evidence from practice may be used to support the case study and presented as an appendix to the main body of the work.
Module Overview
Module Aims
The aim of this module is to enhance the student’s understanding and knowledge of the concepts and principles underpinning the competencies identified within the Children’s Services competency framework (Skills for Health 2006) and develop services in line with the framework.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the module, the student should be able to:
Subject knowledge and understanding
• Evaluate understanding and beliefs of illness and disease across the life span
• Review policies and philosophies informing contemporary child health care
• Develop an understanding of the impact of cognitive and behavioural factors on children and young people and those involved in their care
• Review the concept of family centred care
• Co-ordinate and critically evaluate tools used in the assessment of health and well being of children, young people and their families
• Explore the process of transitions in the care of children, young people and their families
• Develop knowledge to create an environment to safeguard children and young people
• Develop an appreciation of legal and ethical issues in relation to working with children, young people and their families
• Explore and evaluate models ands methods of communication with children and young people and those involved in their care.

Cognitive skills
• Critically analyse the evidence and rationale underpinning clinical decisions taken in the planning of care
• Critically evaluate information management systems and their importance in the care of children and young people
• Analyse guidelines, care pathways, roles and responsibilities in inter-professional working
• Critically evaluate tools that may be used to enhance the assessment process.

Practical skills
• Develop skills for leadership, project management and practice organisation to arrange appropriate service delivery for children, young people and families
• Develop knowledge and skills to create an environment to safeguard children and young people
• Work effectively with children and young people to assess their health and well being
• Plan, implement, monitor and critically review individualised care plans to meet the needs of children and young people
• Co-ordinate and critically review the delivery of care plans across unit and multi-professional teams

• Plan, implement and critically review transfer of care and discharge with children and young people and those involved in their care
• Develop skills to create an environment to safeguard children and young people.

Key / transferable skills
• Develop an understanding of models of education and empowerment and use this to advance understanding of the importance of empowerment and self-care for children, young people and families
• Demonstrate communication skills and strategies to work across boundaries within a multi-professional team
• Develop skills of reflection through case and family analysis
• Demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving and reflective capabilities essential for complex professional practice.
Module Content
• Communication skills with children and young people
• Political and service delivery systems affecting care
• Information systems
• Multi-agency care and the role of guidelines and care pathways in primary care
• Leadership skills and team work in health care
• Characteristics of specialist and generalist practitioners
• Models of empowerment and patient education
• Legal and ethical parameters of safeguarding children and young people.
• Risk assessment tools
• Knowledge of beliefs of illness and disease across the life span
• Knowledge of the impact of cognitive and behavioural factors on children, young people and those involved in their care
• Models of assessment, intervention and care planning
• Evaluation and review of care, transfer and discharge
• Information management systems and their importance in the care of children and young people.
Methods of Teaching/Learning
200 hours:
36 hours taught
72 hours work-based learning
12 hours action learning sets
80 hours self-directed study
Selected Texts/Journals
Required Reading:

Department of Health 2008. Better Care; Better Lives. HMSO London

Department of Health 2008 Child Health Promotion Programme HMSO London

Department of Health 2009 Healthy Child Programme. HMSO London

Department of Health 2004 National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services. HMSO London

Department of Health 2006Transition: getting it right for young people. DH London

Department of Education and Skills 2005 Every Child Matters: Change for Children. DES, London.

Fraser S, Lewis V, Ding S, Kellet M, Robinson C (eds) 2004 Doing Research With Children and Young People. Sage. London.

Muir J, Sidey A 2000 Text Book of Community Children’s’ Nursing. Bailliere Tindall

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of General Practitioners, Royal College of Nursing, Amicus, Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association 2006 Safeguarding Children and Young People: roles and competencies for health care staff. RCPCH. London

Skills for Health 2006 Chidren’s Service Competencies www.skillsfor

Smith L, Coleman V, Bradshaw M (eds) 2002 Family Centred Care: concept, theory and practice. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Background Reading:

British Medical Association, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group (2007) British National Formulary for Children BMJ Publishing, London

Connor J M and Ferguson – Smith M A (1997) Essential medical Genetics 5th Ed. Blackwell Science Oxford

Craig JV, Smyth RL (Eds) (2002) The Evidence – Based Practice Manual for Nurses. Churchill Livingstone, London

Department of Health (2004) National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services HMSO London

Department of Health (2007) Facing the Future, DH London.

Department of Health (2008). Better Care Better Lives DH London

Department of Health (2008) Child Health promotion Programme DH London

Department of Health (2008) High Quality care for All, NHS Next Stage Review Final Report (Darzi Review) DH London

Gatford J, Phillips N (2002) Nursing Calculations Churchill Livingstone, London (Study skills group recommended)

Royal College of Nursing Institute (2001) Clinical Practice Guidelines: the recognition and assessment of acute pain in children, Implementation Guide Royal College of Nursing London

Smith L, Bradshaw M, Coleman V (eds) (2002) Family Centred Care – concept – theory and practice. Palgrave. Basingstoke


Aggleton P and Chalmers H (2000) Nursing Models and Nursing Practice 2nd Edition, Palgrave, Hampshire

Chamley C A Carson P Randall D Sandwell M (2005) Developmental Anatomy and Physiology of Children: A Practical Approach Churchill Livingstone London

Marieb E (2004) Human Anatomy and Physiology 6th Edition Pearson/Benjamin Cummings London

McCance K L and Huether S E 2002 Pathophysiology: the biological basis for disease in adults and children 3rd Edn. Saunders Philadelphia

Moore K L and Persaud T V N (2003) Before we are born: essential embryology and birth defects 6th Edn. Saunders Philadelphia


Alfaro-LeFavre R 2004 Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgement: a practical approach, 3rd edn WB Saunders, London

Bastable S, 1997 Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching & Learning. Jones & Bartlett Publisher

Charles-Edwards I, Meek L 2007 An Introduction to Ethics for Health Professionals: Caring for Babies, Children and Young People. Taylor and Francis, London.

Coleman J Hendry L B Kloep M (Eds) 2007 Adolescence and Health Wiley Chichester

Cook P, 1999 Supporting Sick Children and Their Families Bailliere Tindall

Daniel P, Ivatts J 1998 Children & Social Policy Macmillan Press, Basingstoke

Ewels L, Simnett I 2003) Promoting Health 5th edn Balliere Tindall

Glasper A, Ireland L (eds) 2000 Evidence-Based Child Health Care: Challenge for Practice Macmillan, Basingstoke

Glasper A, Richardson J (eds) 2006 A textbook of children’s and young people’s nursing Churchill Livingstone, London

Grieg A, Taylor J 1999 Doing Research with Children. Sage, London

Huband S and Trigg E (Eds) (2000) Practices in Children’s nursing: Guidelines for Hospital and Community Churchill Livingstone London

Hyde V (ed) 2001 Community Nursing and Healthcare Insights and Innovations.
Arnold, London

Jones C, Freshwater D 2005Transforming nursing through reflective practice 2nd edn Blackwell Science, Oxford

Kemshall H, Littlechild R (eds) 2000User involvement and participation in social care: research informing practice Jessica Kingsley, London

Lawrence D 2002 From Chaos to Care: The Promise of Team-based Medicine
Da Capo Press ISBN: 0738207535

Leathard A 1994 Going inter-professional working together for health and welfare Routledge, London

Nutbeam D, Harris E 1999 Theory in a Nutshell: Guide to Health Promotion Theory Graw-Hill Education

Penson J 1996 Bereavement. A Guide for Nurses. Chapman and Hall

Saket D L, Richardson S, Rosenberg W, Haynes R B 2006 Evidence-Based Medicine 2nd edn Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

Savage S P, Atkinson R 2001 Public Policy Under Blair. Palgrave. Basingstoke.

Thompson C, Dowding L (eds) 2002 Clinical Decision Making and Judgement in Nursing. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

Watkins D, Gastrell P, Edwards J (2003) Community Health Nursing - frameworks for practice 2nd Ed. Bailliere Tindall London


Paediatric Nursing
Journal of Child Health Care
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Child Care, Health and Development
Community Health Journal / Health Visiting
Journal of Advanced Nursing

Last Updated
29TH JULY 2010