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2007/8 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: NUR3012 Module Title: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: EFFCOMMS Previous Short Name: EFFCOMMS
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: CARTER S Dr (HSC)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Delivery
Assessment Requirements

Components of Assessment
Percentage weighting

Assessment is through a 2,500 word written project based on communication in a health or social care setting, the exact nature of which will be negotiated with facilitator, and set jointly according to broad principles:

  • the project is relevant to, and applicable to, the student’s practice
the project gives a clear account of the purpose and aims of the communication work, demonstrating application of theory and research to the chosen example

Module Overview

The module consists of a series of key lectures, covering theory and research relating to the primary approaches to the study of communication. This is followed by workshop-style events where students have the opportunity to apply this knowledge to their understanding of real-life encounters


Level 2 study

Module Aims

The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes to promote effective communication.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module, the student should be able to:

Subject knowledge and understanding

  • make clear links between the theory and practice of communication, and explore the evidence base for effective communication skills
  • interpret, critique and utilize relevant research information related to communication.

Cognitive skills

  • evaluate communication strategies and interventions, in a variety of formats including spoken and written communication
  • demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving and reflective capacities essential for complex professional relationships
  • evaluate own communication abilities, recognizing strengths and areas for development.

Practical skills

  • retrieve and analyze information prior to application to practical situation.

Key / transferable skills

  • critical analysis and synthesis of theory and application to practice.
Module Content
  • Heron’s Six Category Intervention Analysis
  • Humanistic approaches to communication
  • Approaches to communication from social psychology
  • Emotion and communication
  • Communication and empowerment
Methods of Teaching/Learning

Taught: 30 hours

Work based Learning: 20 hours

Self directed learning: 150 hours

Selected Texts/Journals

Essential Reading
Argyle M 1994 The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour 5th edn  Penguin Books, London

Burnard P 1995 Learning Human Skills: An experiential and reflective guide for nurses. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford

Department of Health 2001 Essence of Care: patient-focused benchmarking for health care practitioners. Department of Health, London

Egan G 1998 The Skilled Helper: A problem management approach to helping 6th edn Brooks/Cole, London

Mullins L J 1999 Management and Organisational Behaviour 5th edn Financial Times, Pitman Publishing, London

Royal College of Physicians 1997 Improving Communications Between Doctors and Patients Royal College of Physicians, London

Rungapadiachy D M 1999 Interpersonal Communication and Psychology for Health Professionals Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford

Thompson P, Bernard P 1997 Caring and Communicating  Basingstoke Press,

  Background Reading


British Journal of Medical Psychology

British Journal of Health Psychology

Journal of Advanced Nursing
Last Updated

17 July 2007