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Registry > Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: NUR2064
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: HADDOCK G Mrs (HSC)
Number of credits: 60 Number of ECTS credits: 30
Module Availability
Throughout the year
Assessment Pattern
Portfolio of Practice Evidence: Part A and Part B
Guidance on the content of the Portfolio is given within the portfolio introductory pages. The details of submission dates and content for Part A and Part B at each submission are also provided. The guidance for the written component of Part B is also explained on the final page of the portfolio document. If you have any questions regarding these expectations, please ask a member of the module team. Do not leave completion of the portfolio to the final placement or last weeks in practice. It is to be used to assess your ongoing development in practice.

Module Overview
Module Aims
To provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate personal and professional development within an evidence based approach to care in a variety of settings, applying the knowledge gained from the theoretical modules in year two. To commence the development and demonstration of the Essentials Skills required for entry to the Adult Nursing Register
Learning Outcomes
Professional Knowledge and Understanding

By the end of the module the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of professional image and behaviour
2.Demonstrate understanding of holistic nursing assessment using appropriate tools resulting in the formulation and implementation of individualised plans of care for those with acute, critical and/or long- term conditions.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the application in practice of local and national policy drivers for care.
4. Identify the sources of evidence for care in practice and how these may be applied
5.Outline the nurses responsibility for patient safety and the means of applying these principles in practice
6. Identify the barriers and facilitators to communication, including emotional distress, in the health care environment
7. Demonstrate an understanding of health promotion in practice
8 Identify the more common medications used in adult nursing and the legal and professional framework for safe administration
9. Recognise factors which influence access to health and social care services for ‘hard to reach groups’ who have complex needs

Practice Skills

By the end of the module the student should be able to:
1. Practice according to the NMC (The Code) Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwifes, under supervision and within the boundaries of the student role
2. Accept delegated tasks and elements of care based on knowledge, skills and limitations of role
3. Demonstrate effective hand washing and infection control procedures
4. Communicate effectively and appropriately with patients/clients, their carers and with the multi- disciplinary team (in behaviour verbally and written)
5. Seek out and use the evidence base within the planning and delivery of care
6. Recognise risks to health and safety in a variety of care settings and take appropriate action to safeguard patients/clients and staff
7. Apply the principles of patient/client education to promote healthy behaviour
8. Apply an understanding of pathophysiological changes in the assessment of patients/clients and perform holistic assessments seeking advice from appropriate sources where there is concern or uncertainty
9. Plan individualised care and provide appropriate interventions safely with user involvement if possible in all stages of care
10. .Apply the principles of self management and priority setting to own practice and demonstrate initiative in extending own knowledge and experience
11. Demonstrate the safe practice of medicine administration under supervision including appropriate calculations

Values and attitudes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:
1. Behave in a caring and attentive manner showing sensitivity in relation to all aspects of care and respect for the individuality of patients/clients
2. Promote a professional image in appearance and behaviour
3. Demonstrate reliability and punctuality working with and contributing to the team approach to care
4. Respect patients/clients rights and contributions they and their carers make as partners in care
5. Respond in a therapeutic way to a range of emotional responses in oneself and others
6. Empower patients and their carers by ensuring the user voice is heard
7. Respect the contribution of others from the health care team
8. Proactively seek out opportunities for learning

Key skills

By the end of the module the student should be able to:
1 Demonstrate the organisational skill to plan ahead for patient/client care and one’s own development
2 Demonstrate progressive development of appropriate professional communication within a range of modalities including retrieval of information
3 Demonstrate the ability to make basic medication calculations in practice

Module Content
The student will provide evidence through work with patients and clients in both Primary and Secondary care of how they achieved their learning outcomes (see assessment of practice portfolio documentation). They will also practice a range of essential nursing skills within a variety of settings including the patient’s home. Working alongside their mentor, in a supernumerary status the student will develop an evidenced based approach to care. The student will embrace the concept of team working including communicating with relatives and carers. Working in a variety of settings should enable the student to build up a portfolio of evidence in support of achieving the proficiency statements.

Linking Theory to Practice
As advised within all taught sessions, you need to consider the theory learned and apply this to the practice you experience. Regularly discuss with your mentor your understanding of how the theory applies to practice to ensure you are making these links.
Methods of Teaching/Learning
Selected Texts/Journals

Alexander M F, Fawcett JN, Runciman PJ (2006) Nursing Practice at Hospital and Home: The Adult 3rd edn Churchill Livingstone, London
Cottrell S (2005) Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument Palgrave, Hampshire
McCane K L, Huether SE (2006) Pathophysiology: The Biological Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 5th edn Elsevier Mosby, St Louis
National Patient Safety Agency (2004) Seven Steps to patient Safety, an overview guide for NHS staff NSPA London


This is reading that will inform the content you should endeavour to read some of the following:

Aggleton P and Chalmers H (2000) Nursing Models and Nursing Practice 2nd edn Macmillan,London
Chambers R,Boath E and Rogers D (2007) Clinical Effectiveness and Clinical Governance Made Easy 4th edn. Radcliffe Medical Press
Childs L, Coles L and Marjoram B (eds) (2009) Essential Skills Clusters for Nurses Blackwell UK
Downie G, Mackenzie J, Wiiliams A (eds) (2007) Pharmacology and Medicines Management for Nurses 4th edn Churchill Livingstone, London
Dougherty L and Lister S (eds) (2008) Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures 7th edn Blackwell Science, London
Endacott R, Jevon P, Cooper S (eds) (2009) Clinical Nursing Skills Core and Advanced Oxford University Press, Oxford
Ewles L and Simnett I (2003) Promoting Health: A Practice Guide to Health Education 4th edn Wiley, Chichester
Gatford JD, Phillips N (2006) Nursing Calculations 7th edn Churchill Livingstone, London
Lees L (ed) (2007) Nurse Facilitated Hospital Discharge M&K, Cumbria
Wells A (2007) Improving Patient Outcomes M&K, UK
Woodrow P (ed) (2002) Ageing: Issues for Physical,psychological and social health Whurr publishers, London

Becker R, Gamlin R (2004) Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing MA Healthcare Limited, Wiltshire
Department of Health (2001) Essence of Care DH, London
Department of Health (2006a) Our Health, Our Care Our Say DH, London
Department of Health (2006b) Standards for better Health DH, London
Eweles L (2005) Key Topics In Public Health Elsevier, London
Martin V and Henderson E (eds) (2001) Managing in Health and Social Care Routledge, London
Moon G and Gould M (2000) Epidemiology: An Introduction Open University, Bucks
Pudner R (ed) (2005) Nursing the Surgical Patient 2nd edn Elsevier, London
Sheppard M, Wright M (eds) (2005) Principles and Practice of High DependencyNursing 2nd edn Bailliere Tindall, London
Thompson and Dowding (eds) (2002) Clinical Decision Making and Judgement in Nursing Elsevier, London
Thompson N (2006) Anti-Discriminatory Practice 4th edn Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Watkins D, Edwards J and Gastrell P (2003) Community Health Nursing 2nd edn Balliere Tindall

Journal titles
Accident and Emergency Nursing
British Journal of Nursing
British Journal of Theatre Nursing/ British Journal of Perioperative Nursing
Evidenced-Based Nursing
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Nursing in Practice
Nursing Research
Nursing Standard
Practice Nurse
Research in Nursing and Health

Web sites (Department of Health) (National Institute for Health and Health and Clinical Excellence) (Resuscitation Council UK)
Last Updated
28TH JULY 2010