University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Music and Sound Recording Short Name: MU2.MUSADMIN
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: JOHNSON PB Mrs (Music Record)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Availability
Run once, throughout the year
Assessment Pattern
Components of Assessment
Percentage weighting
Semester 1:           
  • Report, not exceeding 2000 words, plus 10 minte presentation (50% of total assessment)
Semester 2:           
  • Two reports based on practical experience (50% of total assessment)
  • Group project report and documentation, not exceeding 2000 words (60%)
  • Individual evaluative report, not exceeding 1000 words (40%)
Module Overview

Pass in HE1 Careers with Music

Module Aims
  • To introduce students to the key management principles, and administrative techniques and skills required in devising arts projects and running arts organisations
  • To develop specialist knowledge of theory and skills in preparation for practical experience in Level P, and/or in a work environment where arts managements strategies and administration techniques are required
  • To support the theoretical base and to develop practical skills by providing hands-on experience, through the administration, marketing and management of music events
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key principles of arts administration and project management
  • Identify and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to real-life situations by putting into practice the basic administrative, management and marketing processes appropriate to public performance
  • Evaluate the processes surrounding the administration , marketing and project management of an arts event
  • Present a written report to professional standard
  • Make a concise presentation
  • Work effectively as a member of the team
  • Interact and communicate effectively and professionally with members of the project and other project personnel.
Module Content
Introduction to the principles and practice of project and arts management with specific reference to the production, promotion and management of arts/music events, how to achieve funding for arts projects, budgeting, and effective meetings. Students will also gain practical experience in the organisation of music events, working as a team.
Methods of Teaching/Learning
Semester 1: 30 hours comprising lectures/seminars/role play/practical activities (20 hours) delivered in conjunction with the Department of Dance Studies – and team tutorials (10 hours).
Semester 2: 10 hours comprising team tutorials, group evaluations and discussions. Students will also be involved in pre- and post-concert organisation and management, and will be required to attend certain concerts and events across both semesters as agreed at the start of the module.
Selected Texts/Journals
Required Reading :
Arnold-Baker, Charles, 1983: Practical Law for Arts Administrators ( Eastbourne : Offord)
Diggle, Keith, 1994: Arts Marketing ( London : Rhinegold Publishing)
Hill, Elizabeth, O’Sullivan, Catherine and O’Sullivan, Terry, 1995: Creative Arts Marketing ( Oxford : Butterworth Heinemann)
Hill, Leslie and Paris, Helen, 2001: Guerilla Performance and Multimedia ( Poole : Continuum)
Matarasso, François, 1994: Regular Marvels ( Leicester : CDMF)
Pick, John, 1996: Arts Administration ( London : E&FN Spoon) (2nd edition)
Maitland, Heather, 2000: The Marketing Manual ( Cambridge : The Arts Marketing Association) (3rd edition)
Maitland, Heather, 1998: The Golden Guide (London: Arts Council of )
Professional journal: Arts Professional
Last Updated
