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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: MID2009
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: BOULTON JE Miss (HSC)
Number of credits: 30 Number of ECTS credits: 15
Module Availability

Semester 1

Assessment Pattern
Assessment Guidelines for Evidence and Choice in Childbearing

Essay: Word count 3000 (100%)

Critically analyse current practice and the evidence available for best practice, related to one aspect of midwifery care. Could improved practice guidelines in your locality facilitate better maternal choice?

1. It is vital that the aspect of midwifery care chosen is clearly defined and not too large
2. Students may choose any subject related to the module learning outcomes or content.
3. If students wish to further develop issues studied for EBL this is acceptable.
4. If there are current best practice guidelines on the subject these must be examined not just accepted
5. It is generally easier to write a good essay if you write the title as a question.
6. Reviews of the literature and of research will be useful for this essay but you will be expected to present the key pieces of primary research. In order to keep within the word limit a tabular presentation of the key issues from your critique of the main studies can be presented in an appendix to the essay. (If there is a large amount of relevant primary research please do not critique more than 4 studies. Your tutor will be able to help you decide if you cannot.) Help will be given in the classroom to do this.
7. It is important to remember that this is an academic essay and should not contain anecdotal evidence or the first person
8. Answers which do not analyse evidence and practice and discuss if maternal choice could be improved are unlikely to pass although the weighting of these aspects will depend on the topic chosen.

Examples of topics might include

• Should women experiencing normal labours be encouraged to drink freely?
• What advice should women be given about labour if the baby appears large?
• Induction of labour for post maturity – should it be planned for term + 10?
• Should all low risk babies be given IM vitamin K?
• Does antenatal vaginal massage reduce perineal trauma?
• How can midwives help women stop smoking in pregnancy?
• Can midwives reduce the incidence of urinary incontinence following childbirth?
Module Overview
Module Aims
This module aims to enable the student to develop their understanding of evidence-based practice and to apply research findings within the practice setting. Students will be able to use relevant evidence to inform client choice and their own decision making in practice, empowering women by health and parent education. The module will enable students to develop their ability to differentiate between normal and abnormal situations and act appropriately.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:

Professional practice skills

1. relate evidence to a clinical scenario
2. manage selected obstetric emergencies in a simulated setting
3. identify and discuss appropriate care for groups with particular health/social needs and know how to maintain communication with relevant agencies

Values and attitudes

1. encourage others in the appreciation and application of current research in midwifery

Knowledge and understanding

1. critically evaluate and apply research findings to specific practice issues and situations
2. critically analyse research related to childbearing and relate it to the past and present provision of care and the provision of information to childbearing women
3. discuss research methodologies and how these are appropriately applied to researching specific practice issues and situations
4. demonstrate an understanding of the physiology and psychology of pain and evaluate the current provision of specific methods of pain relief and their effectiveness
5. critically evaluate the role of the midwife in caring for childbearing women requiring analgesia and anaesthesia
6. critically evaluate the current provision of pain relief to neonates
7. recognise deviation from normal parameters during labour, when monitoring maternal and fetal wellbeing, and know when and how to refer to a competent practitioner
8. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contemporary teaching and learning theories
9. develop strategies to empower women to make informed choices about their health care
10. demonstrate knowledge of effective strategies to support women experiencing difficulties in feeding their babies
11. critically evaluate the strategies used to promote and support breastfeeding
12. critically analyse the factors which lead to inequalities in care and how these relate to mortality and morbidity

Cognitive skills

1. demonstrate an ability to analyse situations and make appropriate plans to improve care
2. critically analyse research articles
3. use reflection and feedback to develop confidence and competence in client education and presenting information to groups

Key transferable skills

1. use a variety of data bases to obtain on line information
2. develop existing presentation skills and begin to formulate teaching strategies
3. understand the importance of good team working both in the University and in the practice setting

Module Content
This module timetable contains Directed Study time. This time will be used to provide guided study on pain and pain relief, which will not be covered elsewhere and to complement the research sessions. The directed study in Week 1 must be done before Research 2 so will be sent out in advance of the module.
Methods of Teaching/Learning
Selected Texts/Journals

Cluett E, Bluff R 2006 Principles and practice of research in midwifery 2nd edition Bailliere Tindall, London
Parahoo K 2006 Nursing research : Principles, process and issues 2nd edition Macmillan Education , London
Rees C. (2003) Introduction to research for Midwives (2nd Edition) Books for Midwives Press, Edinburgh


Jordan S. (2002) Pharmacology for Midwives The Evidence Base for Safe Practice Pelgrave Macmillan, Oxford

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2007) Guidelines for care in normal labour NICE, London

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004) Midwives rules and standards NMC, London

Nursing and Midwifery Council (2007) Standards for medicines management NMC, London

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008) NMC: The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives NMC, London

Schott J. & Pries J. (2002) Leading antenatal classes: a practical guide Books for Midwives, Oxford


Dixon A.M. (2006) Diagnostic medical ultrasound in obstetrics: an overview BJM 14(3), pp122-128

Gauge S. & Henderson C. (2005) CTG made easy (3rd ed.) Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

Liu D. (2007) Labour ward manual (4th Edn.) Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

National Institute for Health and Clinical excellence (NICE) (2008) Induction of labour NICE. Available from (Accessed 19/5/09)

Nolan M. (1998) Antenatal education : a dynamic approach Bailliere Tindall, Oxford

Tucker S. (2004) Mosby’s pocket guide : fetal monitoring and assessment (5th ed.) Mosby, Missouri

Walsh D. (2007) Evidence-based care for normal labour and birth: A guide for midwives Taylor and Francis, London


Alexander J., Levy V., Roch S. (1996) Midwifery Practice: Core Topics 1 Macmillan, Basingstoke

American Academy of Family Physicians (2003) Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Manual ( 3rd Edition) Kansas City, American Academy of Family Physicians

James D., Mahomed K., Stone P., Wijngaarden W., Hill L. (Ed) (2003) Evidence based obstetrics Saunders, London

Dimond B (2006) Legal aspects of midwifery 3rd edition Books for Midwives, London

Hamer S. & Collinson G. (2005) Achieving evidence based practice: A handbook for practitioners (2nd ed) Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

Page L. and McChandlish R. (Ed.) (2006) The New Midwifery (2nd Edn.) Churchill Livingstone, London

Proctor S., Renfrew M. (Eds) (2000) Linking research and practice in midwifery Bailliere Tindall, London

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2008) Standards for maternity care RCOG Press, London

Sullivan A., Kean L., Cryer A. (2006) Midwife’s guide to antenatal investigations Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

British Journal of Midwifery
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal of Obstetric, gynaecologic and neonatal nursing
Journal of midwifery and women’s health
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest
The Practising Midwife


Royal College of Midwives
British Maternal & Fetal Medicine Society
Dept of Health
Nursing & Midwifery Council
Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services
Baby Friendly

Last Updated
27TH JULY 2010