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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: MID1008 Module Title: INTRODUCTION TO MIDWIFERY
Module Provider: Health & Social Care Short Name: MID1008
Level: HE1 Module Co-ordinator: PEPPER SJ Mrs (HSC)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Availability
Semester 1.
Assessment Pattern

Essay (1000 words)

This essay will focus on professional values, communication or assessment. As this is the first academic submission of your course, it will serve as a compulsory diagnostic exercise for identification of any writing difficulties, as well as an assessment. This ensures you will receive explicit feedback from your personal tutor between your formative submission to them, and summative submission which follows normal assessment procedures as per your student handbook. Specific guidance will be given separately.



Examination (one hour, on-line multiple choice – 50 items) focused on body structure and function


Module Overview
This module will introduce students to the philosophy underpinning midwifery practice, including the provision of women centred care and the fundamental role of the midwife in promoting normality in childbearing. Students will study basic anatomy / physiology, principles of infection control and the psychosocial, legal and ethical aspects of care. They will be supported to become competent in core clinical practice skills within the simulated environment of the skills laboratory prior to initial placements.

Entry requirements for the programme.
Module Aims
Students will be introduced to the philosophy of midwifery practice in providing women centred care and will begin to explore the role of the midwife. The student will be introduced to fundamental clinical bio-sciences relating to anatomy and physiology, infection control and to psycho-social, legal and ethical aspects of care. The module additionally provides the student with the opportunity to develop core skills in preparation for clinical practice, rehearsing them within a safe and supportive clinical skills laboratory environment. This module enables the student to develop as an effective lifelong learner by improving study and IT skills and engaging in personal and professional development.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:

Professional practice skills

1. recognise and acknowledge own limitations with respect to carrying out essential care skills as stated by the NMC Rules and Codes of Practice 

2. understand the principles of effective hand washing and aseptic technique as a primary infection control measure 

3. understand safe use of a range of moving and transferring equipment within a simulated environment 

4. recognise the need for and demonstrate effective basic life support skills 

5. measure and record the vital signs of temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration

Values and attitudes

1. understand the values that underpin personal and professional responsibility 

2. develop awareness of codes for professional behaviour 

3. demonstrate how to take responsibility for own learning and development

Knowledge and understanding

1. describe the anatomy and physiology of key fundamental systems 

2. discuss how sociology, psychology and physiology inform professional care delivery 

3. describe the use of verbal and non verbal communication techniques

Cognitive skills

1. explore and reflect on a range of themes that influence delivery of maternity care 

2. begin to understand a variety of sources of evidence which underpin midwifery practice

Key skills

1. select learning strategies to develop effective learning 

2. use the Harvard approach for bibliographic reference 

3. use e-mail as form of communication 

4. use word processing skills for the assignment

Module Content
Methods of Teaching/Learning

Selected Texts/Journals


Marieb E. (2006) Essentials of human anatomy & physiology. (8th edn.) Pearson Education, San Francisco.


Cottrell S. (2008) The study skills handbook (3rd edn.) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Dougherty L. & Lister S. (2004) The Royal Marsden Hospital manual of clinical nursing procedures (6th edn.) Blackwell, Oxford.

Maslin-Prothero S. (2005) Baillière’s study skills for nurses and midwives (3rd edn.) Baillière Tindall, London.

Peck J. & Coyle M. (2005) The student’s guide to writing grammar, punctuation and spelling (2nd edn.) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Peck J. & Coyle M. (2005) Write it right: a handbook for students. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Smith E., Atkinson R.L., Fredrickson B. (2003) Atkinson and Hilgard’s introduction to psychology (14th edn.) Wadsworth, London.

Walsh M. (2004) Introduction to sociology for health care workers. Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham.


Coad J., Dunstall M. (2005) Anatomy and physiology for midwives (2nd edn.) Mosby, London.

Heron J. (2001) Helping the client: a creative practical guide (5th edn.) Sage Publications, London.

Stables D. (2005) Physiology in childbearing with anatomy and related biosciences (2nd edn.) Elsevier, Edinburgh.

Journal titles:
British Journal of Midwifery
The Practising Midwife
Nursing Standard
Nursing Times


BBC News

British Medical Association

British Nursing News online

Department of Health

Mental Health Act on line

Midwives online

National Childbirth Trust

National Electronic Library for Health

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Nursing Times

Royal College of Midwives


University sites

Last Updated

27TH JULY 2010