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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: MANM169 Module Title: RESEARCH METHODS
Module Provider: School of Management Short Name: M338
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: SAUNDERS MN Prof (SoM)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment

 Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)  

Examination (multiple choice)


Module Overview
This module is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of research practice. It introduces students to the process of research project formulation and the key elements of research design namely, the choice of unit of analysis, measurement, methods of data collection and data analysis. Ultimately, the module should prepare students to design and execute their research study for their dissertation in a systematic and scientific manner
Module Aims
This module aims to prepare students for their dissertation and covers both qualitative and quantitative approaches to management research.
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, successful students will be able to:

  • Understand fundamentals of research process (e.g. definitions of problem, literature review the use of secondary data sources etc.).
  • Recognise similarities and differences between qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Appreciate principles of measurement theory and types of scaling.
  • Apply descriptive statistics through the SPSS software package and follow the literature on the subject.
  • Appreciate the process of qualitative survey methods and data analysis
  • Recognise issues in questionnaire development. 
Module Content

The teaching and learning strategy is designed to introduce students to current principles and practices of conducting research in the service sector area. It utilises examples of current issues and problems, and provides opportunities for students to explore and develop research topics and design research projects both individually, in small groups and by discussion with staff members acting as research advisors. 

Methods of Teaching/Learning
The teaching and learning methods include: 
  • Conceptual and organisational lectures
  • Individual reading and study
  • Individual self-learning exercises
Selected Texts/Journals

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. 2009, Research Methods for Business Students, (5th Ed.), London: Prentice Hall.


Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2003), Business Research Methods: Oxford University Press 

, M.A., Riley, M,. Wilkie, E. and Wood, R.C., Szivas, E. 2001, Researching and Writing Dissertations in Hospitality and Tourism. London : International Thomson Business Press. 

Sounders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. 2000, Research Methods for Business Students. London : Prentice Hall. 


Alreck, P. L. and Settle, R.B. 1995, The Survey Research Handbook. Chicago : Irwin. 

, R. 1994, The Research Project: How to Write It. London: Routledge. 

Coakes, S. J. and Steed, L.G. 1999, SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish. London : John Wiley. 

Creswell, J.W. 1998, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing Among Five Traditions. London : Sage. 

Diamantopoulos, A. and Schlegelmich, B. 1997, Taking the Fear out of Data Analysis. London : Dryden Press. 

Gilbert, N. 1993, Researching Social Life. London : Sage. 

Green, S.B., Salkind, N.J. and Akey, T.M. 1999, Using SPSS for Windows: Analyzing and Understanding Data. New York : Prentice Hall. 

Keats, D.M. 2000, Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals. Buckingham: Open University Press. 

Miles, M. and Huberman, M. 1994, Qualitative Data Analysis. London : Sage. 

Newman, W.L. 1991, Social Research Methods. Boston : Allyn and Bacon. 

Norusis, M.J. 1998, SPSS 8.0 Guide to Data Analysis. New York : Prentice Hall. 

Pallant, J. (2001, 2003), SPSS Survival Manual. Buckingham: Open University Press. 

Peterson, R.A. (2000), Constructing Effective Questionnaires, London : Sage. 

Silverman, D. 1997, Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice. London : Sage. 

Stewart, D.W. and Kamins, M.A. 1993, Secondary Research: Information Sources and Methods. London : Sage. 

Scheyvens, R and Donovan, S. 2003, Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. London : Sage. 

Straus, A. and Corbin, J. 1998, Basics of Qualitative Research. London : Sage. 

Yin, R.K. 1994, Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London : Sage. 

Veal, A. J. 1992, Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism: A Practical Guide. Harlow : Longman. 

Wolcott 2001, Writing Up Qualitative Research. London : Sage 


You will need to thoroughly search the numerous journals that are most appropriate for your chosen research topic. Articles in reputable journals (e.g. Journal of Marketing, Journal of Finance etc) often deal with a topic in much more detail than textbooks. Moreover, because articles are generally peer reviewed, they are likely to have more credibility.

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