University of Surrey - Guildford

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2007/8 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: School of Management Short Name: MC005 Previous Short Name: MC005
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: GREGORY JM Dr (SoM)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Delivery

Face to face, part-time

Assessment Requirements
Module Overview

See programme entry criteria. MSc CASS Module 2 (MC002) is a pre-requisite.

Module Aims
Learning Outcomes

·        To extend participants’ awareness of skills and strategies, together with their theoretical foundations, currently available for facilitating change at a personal level.

·       To develop participants ability to evaluate and choose appropriate methods for facilitating various kinds of personal development and change.

·       To develop participants one-to-one facilitation skills by using Six Category Intervention Analysis as a skills baseline for implementing the diverse range of personal change strategies which may be used by participants.

·       To help participants acquire a range of suitable methods for assessing their practice and evaluating the outcomes of their intervention.

Module Content

This module will build on Module 2 in which participants will have had the opportunity to test experientially the value benefits and limitations of various personal development methods.  By using an extensively tested and comprehensive intervention skills framework developed at HPRG over the past sixteen years, the module will provide the opportunity to compare the skills and strategies required to utilise a wide variety of personal development methods while enabling participants to build a base of practitioner skills generic to all such methods. The relation between the skills and diverse strategies will be explored in detail together with other factors such as personal qualities, diagnostic techniques, facilitator - client relationship, environment, etc. known to influence change and developmental outcomes.

Participants will be expected to demonstrate competence in facilitating change through one to one relationships at the levels of awareness, understanding, values, attitude, behaviour, application of knowledge and learning to learn. It is expected that participants will have gained an in depth understanding of at least one strategy for facilitating change at each of these levels and will be able to draw on others as appropriate within their skills and ability.

Methods of Teaching/Learning

As described in Programme Handbook (emphasis on experiential, group-based learning)

Methods of Assessment and Weighting

Components of Assessment


Percentage weighting

one written assignment of 3, 000 to 3,500 words

Self, peer and tutor assessed (tutor grade takes precedence)

Percentage grade given

one portfolio summary of 1,000 words

Self and peer assessed

Pass/fail basis

Selected Texts/Journals

Egan, G. (2001) (7th edition) The Skilled Helper California : Brooks Cole

Heron, J. (2001) (5th edition) Helping the Client London : Sage

Last Updated
15th August 2006