Selected Texts/Journals
Miller, G., Twining-Ward, L (2005) Monitoring for a sustainable tourism transition: The challenge of developing and using indicators. CABI International, Wallingford
Harrison, L.C. & Husbands, W. (1996). Practising Responsible Tourism, Wiley Press, Chichester.
Holden, A (2001), Environment and Tourism. Routledge, London
Hunter, C (1995), On the Need to Re-conceptualise Sustainable Tourism Development. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 3 (3), pp155-165
Hunter, C (1997), Sustainable Tourism as an Adaptive Paradigm. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(4), pp850-867
Lew, A. (1998), Sustainable Tourism: A Geographical Perspective. Harlow, Longman, pp.25-34
Mowforth, M., Munt, I (1998), Tourism and Sustainability: New Tourism in the Third World. Routledge, London
Tribe, J. (2002), Education for Responsible Tourism Action. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Vol.10, no.4, pp.309-324
Tribe, J., Font, X., Griffiths, N., Vickery, R. and Yale, K (2000), Environmental Management for Rural Tourism and Recreation, pp241, Cassell, London.