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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: MANM045 Module Title: RETAIL DEVELOPMENT
Module Provider: School of Management Short Name: MA220
Level: M Module Co-ordinator: ALEXANDER A Prof (SoM)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment

Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)

Group Project Report


Examinations                     60



Module Overview


This module seeks to develop students’ appreciation of the importance of effective location management and the significance of the internationalisation of retailing.  Specialist frameworks relating to retail location management are introduced and assessed in light of the broadening scope of research into the subject. These frameworks also provide a useful introduction to the analysis of retail internationalisation, which has become a substantive feature of the industry. The burgeoning interest in retail location management and its internationalisation provides knowledge vital to the senior retail manager of tomorrow.

Module Aims

The primary aim of this module is to give students a detailed understanding of the importance of retail location management and of the internationalisation of the retail industry. Related aims pertain to the critical assessment and application of existing management frameworks and the development of an understanding of key issues including site selection, store network management and the retail internationalisation process.

Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are categorised as:
  • Subject knowledge and understanding (K/U)
  • Intellectual/Cognitive skills (I/C)
  • Practical/professional skills (P/P)
  • Transferable skills (T)
Outcome Type
Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of key debates concerned with retail location management and the management of retail internationalisation.
Critically assess the utility of theoretical concepts on retail location and its internationalisation, and to apply valid concepts to practical management issues.
Demonstrate professionalism in the production and presentation of a group project
Transferable Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Problem solving
  • Planning and management of learning
  • Interactive skills
  • Report writing
  • Communication and presentation skills
Assessment Criteria
In order to achieve the threshold standard for the award of credits for this module, the student must meet the following criteria related to the learning outcomes described above:

Demonstrate a suitably comprehensive knowledge of key debates concerned with retail location management and the management of retail internationalisation.

Demonstrate the capacity to assess the utility of theoretical concepts and apply them to practical management issues.

Module Content
  • Retail development: pattern and process
  • Conceptual perspectives on locational change
  • Network planning frameworks
  • ‘New geographies’ of retail location – competition, regulation and the internationalisation process
  • Method and motive in retail internationalisation
  • Directions of retail internationalisation – multinational and global approaches
  • E-commerce and the international retail marketplace
  • The impact of retail internationalisation
Methods of Teaching/Learning

The teaching and learning methods include:

  • Lectures
  • Class or internet case studies and discussions
  • Guest speakers from industry
  • Group and individual work

The teaching and learning strategy is designed to enable development of an advanced level of understanding of the significance of retail location and retail internationalisation. The strategy is based upon a variety of teaching and learning methods. Concepts and frameworks will be delivered through a programme of lectures with a parallel seminar programme providing a mechanism for small group and individual discussion and learning

Selected Texts/Journals

Expected Purchase
Alexander, N & Doherty A-M (2009) International Retailing. Oxford@ Oxford University Press
Birkin, M., Clarke, G., and Clarke, M. (2002) Retail Geography & Intelligent Network Planning, Chichester: Wiley 
Akehurst, G. and Alexander, N. (eds) (1996) The Internationalisation of Retailing, London: Frank Cass
Alexander, N. (1997), International Retailing, Oxford: Blackwell
Berman B. and Evans J.R. (2006) Retail Management. A Strategic Approach (tenth edition), New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall
Bruce, M., Moore, C. and Birtwhistle, G. (2004) (eds) International Retail Marketing. A Case Study Approach, London: Elsevier
Dawson, J. and Lee J-H (2005) International Retailing Plans and Strategies in Asia New York: Haworth Press
Dawson, J. Findlay, A. and Sparks, L, 2008,  The Retailing Reader Rouledge: Abingdon.
Guy, C, 1994, The Retail Development Precess, Routledge: London
McGoldrick, P.J. & Davies, G (eds) (1995) International Retailing: Trends and Strategies, London: FT Pitman Publishing
McGoldrick, P. (2002) Retail Marketing (second edition), London: McGraw Hill
Seth, A. and Randall, G. (2005) Supermarket Wars. Global Strategies for Food Retailers, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan
Schiller, R. (2001) The Dynamics of Property Location, London:Spon Press
Sternquist, B. (1998) International Retailing, New York: Fairchild Publications
Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M. (2002) Reading Retail, London: Arnold
Other Indicative Reading
Academic journals, for example: 
European Retail Digest 
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 
the International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Service Industries Journal

Trade press and news, for example:
Retail Week
Drapers Record
Online business news services e.g. FT, LZ Net (English edition)
Retail market intelligence reports e.g. Mintel report

Last Updated
