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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
 Module Code: MAN3107 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL RETAILING
Module Provider: School of Management Short Name: MAN3107
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: WORTMANN M Dr (SoM)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Sem 2
Assessment Pattern

Units of Assessment





Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)


2 Hour Examination (Closed Book)










Group Report (3000 words) and its Presentation


















Alternative Assessment





Individual essay (2000 words)










Qualifying Condition(s) 





A weighted aggregated mark of 40% is required to pass the module.








Module Overview

Internationalisation is a substantive feature of the retail industry.  This can be witnessed in, among other aspects, growing international retail competition and international retail knowledge and capital flows.  Its effects can be identified through the analysis of both developed and developing markets. Considerable academic and practitioner interest surrounds international retailing; providing a body of knowledge to inform the retail and related business industry leaders of tomorrow.









Module Aims

To enable students to develop an appreciation of the extent and characteristics of international retailing.

To provide insight into the management issues faced in the retail internationalisation process.  




To enable the development of an appreciation of the characteristics of both developed and developing retail markets.



To introduce students to the key theoretical frameworks of retail internationalisation, and to assist them in developing a critical evaluation of these in the context of current research and commercial developments. 




Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the students will be able to: 

 Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the international dimensions to retail activity. 

Select and apply appropriate techniques to assess retail internationalisation and critically analyse the results. 



 Demonstrate a command of retail internationalisation theories to reflect both their value and limitations in practical application.

 Demonstrate a capacity to analyse and synthesise data and concepts related to international retailing. 






Demonstrate creativity and professionalism in the execution of small group project work.  




Module Content

 International retailing trends and issues 
Motives for retail internationalisation 
Retailers’ methods of expansion 
The direction of retail internationalisation
Conceptual frameworks of retail internationalisation 
International retail marketing 
International retailing and divestment 
Retail internationalisation into developed and developing markets 




Methods of Teaching/Learning

Teaching and learning strategy: The module is delivered in part through a lecture programme that provides a framework on which students can base their learning and develop their understanding through seminar and small group work.  The strategy thus provides a substantial opportunity for students to take responsibility for their own learning. 
The teaching and learning methods include group lectures, small group seminar work, student-led presentations, case studies, guided self-study, guest speakers.  These will be supported by ULearn. 

 Assessment Strategy:






Selected Texts/Journals

Essential Reading
Alexander, N., and Doherty, A.M., (2008). International Retailing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Recommended Reading 

Dawson , J., et al. (eds) (2006). Strategic Issues in International Retailing.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Background Reading 
Akehurst, G., and Alexander, N., (eds.) (1996). The Internationalisation of Retailing.  London : Frank Cass.  

 Bruce, M., Moore, C., and Birtwstle, G., (eds.) (2004) International Retail Marketing.  A Case Study Approach.  Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. 

 Coe, N., and Wrigley, N., (eds.) (2009) The Globalization of Retailing.  Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
Dawson, J., Findlay, A., and Sparks , L., (eds.) (2008).  The Retailing Reader.  London : Routledge.  Chapter 5 ‘International Retailing’ 
Dawson, J. and Lee, H. (eds.) (2005) International Retailing Plans and Strategies in Asia .  Binghampton: Haworth Press. 
Dupuis, M., and Dawson, J., (eds.) (1999). European Cases in Retailing.  Oxford : Blackwell. 
Howard, E., (ed.) (2010). The Changing Face of Retailing in the Asia Pacific. London : Routledge.

 McGoldrick, P., (2002). Retail Marketing.  2nd edn.  London : McGraw Hill.  Chapter 14. 
McGoldrick, P.J., and Davies, G., (eds.) (1995) International Retailing.  London : Pitman. 

 Mintel, (2009).  European Retail Handbook. London : Mintel International. 
Mintel, (2010). Asia-Pacific Retail Handbook. London : Mintel International. 
Seth, A., and Randall, G., (2005). Supermarket Wars.  Global Strategies for Food Retailers.  Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Sternquist, B., (2007). International Retailing.  2nd edition.  New York : Fairchild Press. 
Zentes, J., Morschett, D., and Schramm-Klein, H., (2007). Strategic Retail Management – text and international cases. 
: Gabler

The module tutors will provide specific reading lists where relevant drawing upon trade and business news sources such as Retail Week and Drapers Record and papers from academic journals including:

 European Journal of Marketing 
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 

 Journal of Marketing 
Journal of Marketing Management 
Journal of Retailing 
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Studies 

 The Retail Digest 
Service Industries Journal 





















Last Updated