The teaching and learning strategy is designed to allow a student to come to grips with what is essentially a subject of mixed theory and practice.
· Weekly one two-hour lecture incorporating class-room participation for better understanding.
· Weekly tutorial/seminar sessions for to illustrate the contents covered in lectures. The tutorials include worked examples which are an integral part of the module. Due to the quantitative nature of the module it is of paramount importance that participants regularly solve set problems and consult available appropriate solution set. Tutors will provide the necessary support during these sessions for deeper understanding using short and long problem solutions.
· ULearn discussion forums to address any issues related to the content, learning and teaching environment, and delivery of the module and/or specific topics.
· ULearn will be used for delivering formative feedback.
· Utilizing ULearn as the main pool of resources including lecture handouts, tutorial problems, mock exercise, and discussions. Besides using ULearn as the main means of communication to establish resource efficiency and communicational effectiveness.
· Weekly office hours provided by lecturers.
· Support of lecture material by directed reading in selected textbooks and journal articles.
Assessment Strategy:
· The assesment is undertaken in two parts a closed book test and closed book examination. Both components can be reassesed if the student fails to reach the required standard.
The assesments are designed to test the understanding and problem solving abilities of the students in terms of both theoretical and practical application. Because of the quantitative nature of the subject tests are designed to establish whether the student knows which solutions are appropriate to particular situations and when appropriate how to calculate the numerical solution.