Reading Fill, C. (2009), Marketing Communications: Interactivity, Communities and Content, 5th Edition,
Essex : FT Prentice Hall.
Reading Baines, P., Fill, C. and Page, K. (2008), Marketing, Oxford:
University Press.
Belch, G. and Belch, M. (2004), Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective,
Boston : McGraw Hill – Irwin.
Brownlie, D., Saren, M., Wensley, R., and Whittington, D. (ed.) (1999), Rethinking marketing: Towards critical marketing,
London : Sage.
Brown, S. (1995), Postmodern marketing,
London : International Thomson Business Press.
De Pelsmacker, P., Geuens, M. and Van den Bergh, J. (2007), Marketing communications: A European perspective, 3rd Ed.,
Essex : FT Prentice Hall.
Duncan, T. (2002), IMC: Using advertising and promotion to build brands, International edition,
New York : McGraw-Hill.
Hackley, C. (2009), Marketing: A critical introduction,
London : Sage.
Hackley, C. (2009), Advertising and Promotion in Integrated Marketing Communications,
London : Sage.
Holt, D.B. (2004), How brands become icons: The principles of cultural branding,
Boston, MA : Harvard Business School Press.
Kimmel, A. (ed.) (2005), Marketing Communication: New Approaches, Technologies, and Styles, Oxford:
University Press.
Rossiter, J. and Bellman (2005), Marketing Communications,
Harlow : Pearson Education.
Saren, M., Maclaran, P., Goulding, C., Elliott, R., Shankar, A., and Catterall, M. (2007), Critical Marketing: Defining the field,
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann.
Schroeder, J.E. and Salzer-Mörling M. (2006), Brand culture,
New York : Routledge.
Shimp, T.A. (2007), Integrated marketing communications in advertising and promotion, 7th ed., Mason OH: Thomson-South Western.
Tanaka, K. (1994), Advertising language: A pragmatic approach to advertisements in and ,
London : Routledge.
Wells, W., Moriarty, S. and Burnett, J. (2006) Advertising: Principles and Practice,
New Jersey : Pearson.
Yeshin, T. (2006), Advertising,
London : Thomson.
Journals In addition there are a number of key Journals that include: Journal of Marketing Communications; Journal of Marketing Management; European Journal of Marketing; International Journal of Advertising; Journal of Marketing Management, Advertising Age.
Students are informed they need to carry out a broad reading of the literature, and the use of international journal articles is expected.