University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: MAN2059 Module Title: TOURISM POLICY & DEVELOPMENT
Module Provider: School of Management Short Name: MAN2059
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: AIREY DW Prof (SoM)
Number of credits: 20 Number of ECTS credits: 10
Module Availability

Semester 1

Assessment Pattern

Units of Assessment 

Weighting towards Module Mark (%)

Individual essay 


Group Project written report 


Group Project presentation 


Qualifying Condition(s)  
A weighted aggregated mark of 40% is required to pass the module. 

Module Overview

The successful development of tourism depends on the relationship between the public and private sectors.  A key element in this is the development of policies for tourism that can meet the needs of the stakeholders and establish planning goals and instruments.  This module explores these policies and considers their formulation. 

Module Aims

The aims of the module are to examine the position and priorities of the stakeholders in tourism; to outline policy-making as a background to analysing tourism policies; and to examine planning processes and instruments.  As a part of this the students will be expected to critically analyse planning outcomes in different situations. 

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the students will be able to: 
·               identify and evaluate the importance of the main stakeholders in tourism and in particular to recognise the relative importance of the public and private sectors in tourism policy and the tourism development process (C,K,P) 
·               understand the processes of developing tourism policies and evaluate different policies (C,K,P) 
·               suggest and justify approaches to planning in different situations (C,T,K) 
·               develop skills in group-working, communication, academic research and writing and presentation (P,T) 
(Key: C-Cognitive/Analytical; K-Subject knowledge; T-Transferable; P-Professional/Practical skills) 
Assessment Criteria 
In order to achieve the threshold standard for the award of credits for this module, the student must meet the following criteria related to the learning outcomes described above: 
·               be able to critically evaluate the main approaches to tourism policy development 
·               be able to explain the key factors in the policy environment for tourism planning 
·               be aware of the literature relating to this topic 
To pass this module, students must demonstrate a familiarity with the subjects of tourism policy and tourism development, and be able to research, organise, present and examine relevant material in a critical and constructive manner.  

Module Content

·               The stakeholders in tourism 
·               Tourism policies and policy-making 
·               Approaches to planning 
·               Planning tools and mechanisms 
·               Developing plans for tourism destinations 
·               Political economy and growth models in tourism 
·               Dependency theory, vested interests and power relations in tourism 

Methods of Teaching/Learning

The teaching and learning strategy is to provide students with key information and background knowledge in the fields of tourism policy and development and to encourage them to explore and critically evaluate theoretical perspectives as well as practical examples in those areas. 
The teaching and learning methods include lectures designed to provide a framework of knowledge; exercises to provide opportunities for students to gather and interpret their own material; and classroom-based discussions and tasks to challenge their thinking. 
The assessment methods are designed to allow students to demonstrate their insight into the policy and planning processes and the extent to which they are able to draw upon this knowledge in analysing and addressing planning problems. 
Assessment Strategy
The assessment of this module consists of: a) an individual essay (between 1,000 and 1,500 words) aimed at assessing individual student’s understanding of key concepts, issues and challenges in tourism policy and development; b) a group project (between 3,000 and 4,000 words) designed to encourage students to further explore aspects of tourism policy and development through working with their peers.  Each student group will submit a written report as well as deliver an oral presentation. 

Selected Texts/Journals

Essential Reading 
Hall CM (2008) Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes and Relationships. 2nd edition.   Harlow : 
Prentice Hall. 
Recommended reading 
Dredge, D. and Jenkins, J. (2007). Tourism planning and policy. Milton, Qld:Wiley 
Hall CM and Jenkins (1995) Tourism and Public Policy. London : Routledge 
Harrison, D. (ed) (2001) Tourism and the Less Developed World. Wallingford : CABI.
Inskeep E (1997) Tourism Planning New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold 
Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. (2003) Tourism and Sustainability: Development and New Tourism in the Third World (second edition). London : Routledge.
Pearce DG (1995) Tourism Development Harlow : Longman 
Scheyvens, R (2002)  Tourism for Development. Harlow : Prentice Hall
Sharpley, R and Telfer, DJ (eds.) (2002) Tourism and Development.  Concepts and Issues.  Clevedon: Channel View Publications 
 Telfer, D. and Sharpley, R. (2008). Tourism and development in the developing world. London : Routledge 
Background Reading 
·  Academic Journals: Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management; World Development; Current Issues in Tourism, Tourism and Hospitality Research; Tourism Economics; Tourism Geographies, Journal of Transport Geography, Tourism Recreation Research; Tourism Concern’s ‘In Focus’.
·  Reports and Statistics: World Tourism Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Eurostat
The students are also expected to visit a number of selected web pages. 

Last Updated
