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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: GER3003 Module Title: MIGRATION
Module Provider: Language & Translation Studies Short Name: LIG354
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: DLASKA A Prof (Lang & Trans)
Number of credits: 10 Number of ECTS credits: 5
Module Availability

Semester 1

Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment
Weighting Towards Module Mark( %)
Research essay (3000 words)
Preparation of/participation in classroom discussions

Qualifying Condition(s)
A weighted aggregate of 40% is required to pass the module

Module Overview

The seminar looks at the causes and consequences of trans-national migration. The focus is on migration to Germany after 1945. Different groups of immigrants will be introduced and the degree of their integration discussed. In this context, legal and political frameworks will be examined. Some aspects will also be discussed with reference to Austria and Switzerland.


Successful completion of level 2 German modules.

Module Aims

Students improve and extend their command of German in the context of a socio-political topic. Terms from political science, law, and sociology will be introduced, and students give presentations on aspects of these fields. Students learn about the causes of migration, the history of migration to Germany and the political context of migration to the German-speaking countries.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to present their research and to involve their peers in a discussion of their topic;
students are able to present their research in an academic essay, to evaluate their sources and draw conclusions based on their reading;
students are able to discuss and assess connections between political and legal frameworks, national identities and the lives of migrants;
students aim to apply their knowledge about migration, identity formation and processes of integration in other contexts.

Module Content

Topics include:

  • The causes of migration
  • History of immigration to Germany after 1945
  • Legal aspects of integration: Turkish immigrants, ethnic Germans, asylum seekers, contingency refugees.
  • The politics of migration: immigration law, Green Card, citizenship
  • National identity and multicultural societies
  • European and global perspectives

Further topics of discussion: 

  •  Representation in the media
  • Migration and education
  • Multilingualism
  • Women and migration
  • Teenage immigrants
  • The literature of migration
Methods of Teaching/Learning

Two contact hours per teaching week in semester 2, or one hour per week throughout the year. The module is taught entirely in the target language. Seminar discussions are based on weekly readings and student presentations. A ULearn site with questions and suggested readings supports students in preparing for classroom discussions.

Selected Texts/Journals
See ULearn site for recordings, videos and links to relevant websites and other literature.
Required texts are listed and accessible on ULearn.
Background Reading:
Bommes, Michael, Schiffauer, Werner (Hg) Migrationsreport 2006. Fakten - Analysen - Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
M. Bommes/M. Krüger-Potratz (Hg) Migrationsreport 2008: Fakten - Analysen – Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
Bade, Klaus J. (2003) Europa in Bewegung. München und Wien: C.H.Beck Verlag.
Goldberg, Andreas (2005) Die deutschen Türken. Münster: Lit-Verlag.
Han, Petrus (2003) Frauen und Migration. Stuttgart: UTB-Taschenbücher.
Han, Petrus (2004) Soziologie der Migration. Stuttgart: UTB-Taschenbücher.
P. Han (2006) Theorien zur internationalen Migration: Ausgewählte interdisziplinäre Migrationstheorien und deren zentralen Aussagen. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
P. Han (2000) Soziologie der Migration: Erklärungsmodelle, Fakten, Politische Konsequenzen, Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
G. Kühn (2009) Fremde in der Fremde: Berufliche und soziale Integration von Zuwanderern im historischen Rückblick. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann Verlag.
S. Luft (2007) Abschied von Multikulti: Wege aus der Integrationskrise. Gräfelfing: Resch.
Mintzel, Alf (1997) Multikulturelle Gesellschaften in Europa und Nordamerika. Passau: Wissenschaftsverlag Rothe.
J. Motte/R. Ohliger/A. Von Oswald (1999) 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik - 50 Jahre Einwanderung. Nachkriegsgeschichte als Migrationsgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main: Campe.
Münz, Rainer, Seifert, Wolfgang, Ulrich, Ralf (1999) Zuwanderung nach Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
I. Oswald (2007 Migrationssoziologie. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
R. Sackmann (2004) Integration von Zuwanderern. Theorien und empirische Befunde aus Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Deutschland im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
R. Süssmuth (2006) Migration und Integration: Testfall für unsere Gesellschaft. München: DTV.

Treibel, Annette (2003) Migration in modernen Gesellschaften. Soziale Folgen von Einwanderung, Gastarbeit und Flucht. 3. Auflage. Weinheim und München: Juventa.

Last Updated
