Essential reading:
Begag, Azouz, 1986. Le Gone du Chaâba, Paris: Seuil.
Guène, Faïza, 2005. Kiffe kiffe demain, Paris : Livre de Poche.
Yasmina Reza, 2002. « Art », Paris : Magnard.
Maryse Condé, 1999. Le cœur à rire et à pleurer, Paris : Pocket.
Recommended reading :
Ager, D. 1995. 'Francophonie' in the 1990s : problems and opportunities
Albert, C. 1999. Francophonie et identite"¢s culturelles
Cook, M. and Davie, G. (eds), 1999. Modern France. Society in Transition
Freedman, J. & Tarr, C. 2000. Women, immigration and identities in France
Hargreaves, A. 1995. Immigration and Identity in Beur Fiction
Hargreaves, A. 1995. Immigration, ‘race’ and ethnicity in contemporary France
Hughes, A., Reader, K. 2002. Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture
Kidd, W., Reynolds, S. 2000. Contemporary French Cultural Studies
Tarr, C. 2005. Reframing difference: beur and banlieue filmmaking in France
Majumdar, M. 2002. Francophone Studies: the essential glossary
Background reading:
Armes, R. 2005. Postcolonial images : studies in North African film
Aub-Buscher, G. 2003. The Francophone Caribbean today : literature, language, culture
Benguigui, Y. 1997. Mémoires d’immigrés - l’héritage maghrébin
Bencheikh, S. 2003. Marianne et le prophète: l’islam dans la France laïque
Blanc, N. 1997. France, terre d’asile - mythe ou réalité
Blowen, S., Demossier, M., Picard, J. (eds), 2000. Recollections of France
Bradby, D., Sparks, A. 1997. Mise en scène. French theatre now
Cook, M. (ed.) 1993. French Culture since 1945
Coq, G. 2003. Laïcité et République
Forsdick, C. & Murphy, D. 2003. Francophone postcolonial studies: a critical introduction
Hargreaves, A and M. McKinney 1997. Post-colonial cultures in France
Khellil, M. 1991. L’intégration des Maghrébins en France
Silverman, M. 1992. Deconstructing the Nation (Routledge)
Pontault, M. 2000. Femmes en francophonie
Salhi, K. 2003. Francophone post-colonial cultures : critical essays
Spaas, L. 2000. The francophone film : a struggle for identity