Essential Purchase
Coulson JM, Richardson JF & Sinnott RK, Chemical Engineering, 6, 2nd ed (revised), Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. (ISBN 07506 25570)
Gerrard M, Capital Cost Estimation, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2000. (ISBN 08529 53992)
Essential consultation
FA, Watson FA & Wilkinson JK, Introduction to Process Economics, Wiley, 1974. (ISBN 04714 06139)
Kharbanda OP & Stallworthy EA, Capital Cost Estimation for the Process Industries, Butterworth, 1988. (ISBN 04080 2660X)
Ulrich GD, A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics, Wiley, 1984. (ISBN 04710 82767)
IChemE Sustainability Metrics – compact disk will be supplied
DEFRA and DECC websites for information on CO2 emissions and climate change