University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
 Module Code: ENG3127 Module Title: APPLIED VEHICLE DYNAMICS
Module Provider: Mechanical, Medical & Aero Engineering Short Name: ENG3127
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: SORNIOTTI A Dr (M, M & A Eng)
Number of credits: 10 Number of ECTS credits: 5
Module Availability
Spring Semester
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment


Weighting Towards Module Mark (%)


Class test (related to the first part of the module)


In case of resit, this unit of assessment will be substituted by coursework




Final Assignment (related to the second part of the module)




Qualifying Condition(s) 


A weighted aggregate mark of 40% is required to pass the module



Module Overview
An introduction to the basic concepts of vehicle testing.
Completion of the progress requirements of Level HE2.
Module Aims
To gain the basic knowledge for the experimental evaluation and the optimisation of the different subsystems of a race vehicle.
Learning Outcomes

The students should be able to apply theoretical and experimental methodologies in order to measure and optimise suspension elasto-kinematics, roll stiffness distribution and shock absorber parameters of a race vehicle. The case study adopted within the module is the Formula Student vehicle of the University of Surrey .



Module Content

Part 1 (common to all the students attending the module) – Basics of Race Car Vehicle Dynamics


Derivation of the load transfers as functions of the outputs of a bicycle vehicle model


Discussion of the influence of suspension elasto-kinematics and chassis stiffness on the overall vehicle performance



Part 2:


The students will be divided into groups devoted to the optimization of the different subsystems of the Formula Student vehicle of the University of Surrey


Methods of Teaching/Learning

Lectures: 18 hours (first part of the module – first six weeks of the module, three hours per week)



Meetings with the supervisor (second part of the module) for a total of 18 hours



Total student learning time 100 hours.



Selected Texts/Journals

Essential Reading
Module notes
Required Reading
Milliken WF and DL, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, SAE International, 1995, ISBN 1-56091-526-9 (several copies available in the University Library)
Recommended Reading
Reimpell J, Stoll H and Betzler H, The Automotive Chassis, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001, ISBN 0 7506 5054 (several copies available in the University Library)

Last Updated

1 Oct 10