This is a list of recommended (as opposed to “required”) reading. Essential reading for the Seminars will be distributed separately. In addition, a list of articles will be posted on ULearn.
Azapagic, Adisa - Sustainable development in practice: case studies for engineers and scientists. -
Chichester : Wiley, 2004 - - 0470856084:0470856092 (pbk.)
Allen, David T. - Pollution prevention: homework & design problems for engineering curricula. - [US]: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Center for Waste Reduction, 1992 - - 0816905819
Allenby, B. R., Braden R. - Industrial ecology: policy framework and implementation / Braden R. Allenby - - . - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall;
London : Prentice-Hall Internation, 1999 - - 0139211802
Carroll, John S.. - Decision research: a field guide / John S. Carroll and Eric J. Johnson. -
London : Sage Pubns., 90. - 0803932693
Clayton, Anthony M. H. - Sustainability: a systems approach / Anthony M. H. Clayton, Nicholas J. Radcliff -
London : Earthscan, 1996 - - 1853833142
Christie, Ian, - Cleaner production in industry: integrating business goals and environmental priorities - - . -
London : Policy Studies Institute, 1995 - - 0853746192
Carley, Michael. - Managing sustainable development / Michael Carley & Ian Christie. - 2nd ed.. -
London : Earthscan, 2000. - 1853834408
Clift.R - Introduction to life cycle assessment - 2002
Elkington, John - Cannibals with forks: the triple bottom line of 21st century business. -
Oxford : Capstone, 1999. - 1841120847
Frankel, Carl. - In Earth's company: business, environment, and the challenge of sustainability. -
Island , B.C.: New Society Publishers, 1998. - (Conscientious commerce). - 0865713804
Gray, Rob. - Accounting for the environment / Rob Gray and Jan Bebbington. - 2nd ed. -
London : SAGE Publications, 2001. - 076197136x
Gilbert, Mike. - Achieving environmental standards / Mike Gilbert and Richard Gould. - 2nd ed. -
London : Financial Times/Pitman, 1998. - 0273631004
Graedel, T. E - Streamlined life-cycle assessment - - . -
Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 1998 - - 0136074251
Handbook on life cycle assessment: operational guide to the ISO standards / - - . - Dordrecht;
London : Kluwer Academic, 2002 - - 1402002289
Gibson, Martin - Environmental sustainability for business: A framework for action - - . -
London : Chadwick House Group, 2000 - - 1902423631
Gibson, Martin: The CBI environmental management handbook: challenges for business / -
London : Earthscan, 2001 - - 1853836370
Hawken, Paul - The ecology of commerce: how business can save the planet. -
London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1993 - - 0297814621
Hauschild and Wenzel - Environmental assessment of products. - Vol.2: Scientific background / -
London : Chapman & Hall, 1998 - - 0412808102
Henrik - Environmental assessment of products. - Vol.1: Methodology, tools and case studies in product development / -
London : Chapman & Hall, 1997 - - 0412808005
Hunt, David. - Environmental management systems: principles and practice / David Hunt and C. - Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, 1995. - 0077079108
Jackson, Tim, - Material concerns: pollution, profit and quality of life . -
London : Routledge, 1996 - - 0415132487
Jacobs, Michael; The green economy: environment, sustainable development and the politics of - . -
London : Pluto Press, 1991 - - 0745304125
Lewis, Helen - Design [plus] environment: a global guide to designing greener goods. -
Sheffield : Greenleaf, 2001 - - 1874719438
Piasecki, Bruce. - Environmental management and business strategy: leadership skills for the 2. - New York;
Chichester : John Wiley, 1999. - 0471169722
Raiffa, Howard, - Decision analysis: introductory lectures on choices under uncertainty. - Reading (Mass);
London : Addison-Wesley, 1968. – 0201062909
Reid, David - Sustainable development: an introductory guide - - . -
London : Earthscan, 1995 - - 1853832413
Sheldon, Chris: ISO 14001 and beyond: environmental management systems in the real world /. -
Sheffield : Greenleaf, 1997. - 1874719012
Stead, W. Edward - Management for a small planet: strategic decision making and the environment - 2nd ed - . - Thousand Oaks, Calif.;
London : SAGE, 1996 - - 0761902937
Sustainability strategies for industry: the future of corporate practice /. - Washington, D.C.:
Island Press, 1998. - (Greening of industry network series). - 1559635983
Wehrmeyer & Mulugetta: Growing pains: environmental management in developing countries / edited by. -
Sheffield : Greenleaf, 1999. - 1874719136
Wehrmeyer: Greening people: human resources and environmental management / [edited by. -
Sheffield : Greenleaf, 1996. - 1874719152
Welford, Richard,. - Environmental strategy and sustainable development: the corporate challenge. -
London : Routledge, 1995. - 0415105528