[1-2] Image Formation: Introduction to vision and graphics; physics of image formation; human visual system; visual perception; pin-hole cameras; real cameras; graphics pipeline; real-time and offline rendering.
[3-6] Early Vision: Linear filters; convolution; 2D Fourier Transform; sampling and convolution theorems; smoothing (Gaussian filters); derivatives (Sobel); edge detection; image histograms.
[7-10] Geometric Camera Models: pin-hole camera; real cameras Homogeneous coordinates; rigid transforms; perspective transforms; intrinsic and extrinsic parameters; camera calibration; stereo.
[11-12] Geometric object representation: vector, affine and Euclidean spaces; Matrix operations; coordinate transforms; points, lines and polygons; meshes; rigid object transformations; homogeneous transforms.
[13-14] Illumination and Reflectance: colour; physical reflectance models; light-sources; normals; Phong reflection model; shading flat, Goraud and Phong; bump, normal and texture maps.
[15-16] Viewing: orthographic and perspective projection; viewing volume; projective normalisation; homogeneous representation; viewing transforms.
[17-18] Rendering: 2D and 3D clipping; line drawing; scan conversion of polygons; hidden-surface removal; z-buffer.
[19-20] Animation: hierarchical structures; forward and inverse kinematics; surface deformation algorithms.