University of Surrey - Guildford

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2010/1 Module Catalogue
Module Provider: Electronic Engineering Short Name: EE2.EPD
Level: HE2 Module Co-ordinator: SHKUNOV M Dr (Elec Eng)
Number of credits: 10 Number of ECTS credits: 5
Module Availability
Spring Semester
Assessment Pattern

Unit(s) of Assessment


Weighting Towards Module Mark(%)


Exam: Closed book written exam




Assessed Coursework





Module Overview
Using lectures, problems classes, worked examples and tutorial sheets this module will provide the fundamentals needed to understand the operation of key electronic and photonic devices as determined by their fundamental semiconducting properties.  The module will also provide a brief introduction to more advanced topics covered in the level 3 semiconductor pathway modules.
Module Aims

The module has been designed to provide students with a basic understanding of discrete electronic and photonic devices and an introduction to the topics of integration and low dimensional devices.  Students will be introduced to the wave nature of light and the underlying physics of semiconductors and carriers in semiconductors.  The structure and operating principles of key electronic and photonic devices will be described.  Students will be introduced to the most recent developments in electronics, including both nano-electronics and also large-area printable electronics.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module students should be able to:
-          demonstrate a working knowledge of the wave nature of light and the basic laws of optics and their application to opto-electronic devices
-          explain the basics of charge carrier properties in semiconductors
-          discuss key semiconductor devices and explain their operation
-     critically assess the development and progress of semiconductor electronics and the significance of device miniaturisation
Module Content

[1-3]  Wave theory of light, basic laws, reflection and absorption, light propagation. Optical parts in semiconductor devices.



[4- 6]   Charge carriers in semiconductors. Transport of carriers: drift and diffusion. Generation, recombination of charges and the continuity equation.  Radiative recombination and light emission.



 [7-9] The p-n junction, detailed operation, diode equation and applications of p-n junctions in devices.



[10]  Metal semiconductor contacts (Schottky and ohmic).



[11]  The bipolar transistor, types of devices, operational regimes.



[12-13]  Field-effect transistors (FETs).  Classification, operational regimes. Basic equations.



[14-15]  Photovoltaic devices and solar energy conversion.



[16-17]  Basics of LASERs.



[18]   Basics of LEDs and photo-detectors.



[19]  Introduction to low-dimensional physics and recent developments in nano/micro electronics. To include example devices such as the carbon nanotube based transistors and emitters and nanowire electronics.


Introduction to large-area printable electronics.



[20]  Problem class

Methods of Teaching/Learning
Lectures, problem classes, tutorials
Selected Texts/Journals

Sze S.M,          Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley, 0-47-109837-X


Parker, G.    Introductory semiconductor device physics,    IoP


Wilson J and Hawkes J, Optoelectronics an Introduction, Prentice Hall Europe , 0-13-103961-X

Last Updated

12 August 2010