University of Surrey - Guildford

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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
 Module Code: DANM029 Module Title: POLITICISING PRACTICE
Module Provider: Dance,Film & Theatre Short Name: DANM029
Level: M Module Co-ordinator:
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Semester 1.
Assessment Pattern

One essay, 3000 words.


Module Overview
Module Aims

·         To deepen knowledge of the interplay of cultures, histories and politics in 21st century dance production and practices.


·         To develop a complex understanding of theoretical models that investigate the politics of embodied practice as a strategy to analyse dance.


Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:


·         An advanced understanding of how socio-economic and political factors have affected not only dance production but also the politicisation and/or preservation of particular dance forms and practices.


·         A complex understanding of how particular practitioners and agencies determine policies and practices.




Cognitive/Intellectual Skills:


·         Ability to critique and synthesise existing theories of culture, history and politics and to apply them to dance practice.


·         Ability to assess disciplinary frameworks and expose their limitations and to construct arguments for alternative approaches.


·         Ability to situate specific dance forms and practices within particular cultural contexts and to articulate sophisticated and reasoned arguments for their ideological and aesthetic status.



Practical/Key/Research Skills:


·         Ability to locate and use a range of resources as a means to stimulate and support argument.


·         Ability to undertake self-directed research on selected topics and to demonstrate originality in problem-solving.


·         Ability to identify contradictions and problems when applying theoretical frameworks to movement practices and contexts.




Module Content



·         The module addresses the concept of culture and its competing definitions, cultural histories, governance and the arts and the political context of particular dances and practices.  These multifarious approaches provide a means to examine the diversity of social frameworks in which the dancing body exists. 


·         The module provides research preparation and training in critiquing key concepts and texts, and in debating a range of ideas and issues during seminar discussions, student presentations, and in written form.  Students will be supported in developing appropriate methods and skills.


·         All students are required to make at least one 10-minute class presentation and to defend their chosen topic and/or presentation. 



Methods of Teaching/Learning

Lecture, video analysis, seminar discussion, self-directed research.



Selected Texts/Journals

Carter, Alexandra (2004) (ed) Rethinking Dance History: A reader.  London and New York : Routledge.



Frow, John.  (1995) Cultural Studies and Cultural Value.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Desmond, Jane, C (1997) (ed) Meaning in Motion: New Cultural Studies of Dance. Durham: Duke University Press.


Jenkins, Keith (1997) (ed) The Postmodern History Reader. London and New York : Routledge, 1997.


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