University of Surrey - Guildford

Registry > Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Module Provider: Chemical Sciences Short Name: CHE1032
Level: HE1 Module Co-ordinator: AMODIO C Dr (Chem Science)
Number of credits: 15 Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
Module Availability
Semester One
Assessment Pattern

Written examination (1.5 hours) 60%; tutorial work: 10%


Assessment of associated practical work (30%)
Module Overview
Module Aims
  • To describe the electronic structure of atoms and trends within the Periodic Table
  • To review concepts of molecular structure and bonding
  • To give a very brief introduction to molecular orbital theory
  • Provide electron configurations for the 1st row transition metals, identify oxidation states, fully name complexes and deduce their structure from name of formula.
  • Explain isomerism in transition metal complexes
  • To understand the fundamental principles of solid state chemistry in terms of the description of crystal structures and relationship to physical properties
Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module you should, or should be able to:-

  • provide electron configurations for elements up to atomic number 36, identify oxidation states and general variation
  • understand that atomic orbitals are representations of the electron wave functions
  • predict the shapes of molecular systems
  • apply the principles of molecular orbital theory to hydrogen, helium and hydrogen-like species
  • understand periodic table trends
  • balance chemical equations, in particular redox reactions
  • understand the basic principles behind radioactive decay of unstable nuclei
  • explain isomerism in transition metal complexes
  • describe a crystal structure in terms of its associated lattice, unit cell, space group and atomic coordinates
  • understand how the different types of bonding influence the structure and properties of crystalline materials.
  • explain the structural principles behind the packing of solid state spheres and the way in which a range of structures can be described in terms of this packing.
  • describe a range of common crystal structures in terms of their bonding and physical structures and properties.
  • explain how lattice energies can be calculated and their measurement via a thermodynamic cycle
  • predict the structures adopted by simple compounds, and appreciate more complex structural types.
Module Content




Orbital energies, the Aufbau principle and Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.   Relationship to the periodic table in its modern form. Atomic electron configurations and group/periodic trends: Ionisation energies, electron affinity, electronegativity, atomic and covalent radii. Oxidation state and redox reactions. Ionic electron configurations.  Nomenclature of compounds in inorganic chemistry. Basic radioactivity.





Introduction to chemistry of s- and p-block elements. Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. The chemistry of the halogens.  “Valence shell expansion”. Ionic and covalent bonding and compounds. Lewis electron pair covalent bonding model. The VSEPR model and molecular shape.  Introduction to molecular orbital theory: H2, He2/sup>; bond order.






Introduction to the chemistry of d-block elements. Variations in oxidation states for transition metals in their compounds. Characteristic chemistry of transition metal compounds. Nomenclature, structure, isomerism for coordination compounds.






Introduction to solid state chemistry.   The Born-Haber cycle and other applications of Hess’ Law. Ionic radius.  The ionic model, considering the Rock Salt structure as an illustrative example.   The Born-Lande equation and the empirical Kapustinskii equation.    Simple structures for ionic compounds of AX and AX2 types.  Radius ratio rules.  Polar solids, extended covalent networks, molecular solids.



38 hours


Experimental work on topics involving reactions of transition metal complexes, inorganic preparations, solid state syntheses, product analysis, determination of purity..


Methods of Teaching/Learning
Formal lectures, practical work, tutorials
Selected Texts/Journals



Burrows, A; Holman, J; Parsons, A; Pilling, G; Price, G. Chemistry3 Oxford University Press, 2009




Housecroft, C; Constable, E. Chemistry 4th edition (2010)
Last Updated
21 April 2011