University of Surrey - Guildford

Registry > Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
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2011/2 Provisional Module Catalogue - UNDER CONSTRUCTION & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
 Module Code: BMS3048 Module Title: RESEARCH PROJECT
Module Provider: Biosciences Short Name: BSPROJ
Level: HE3 Module Co-ordinator: ROBERTSON MD Dr (Biosciences)
Number of credits: 30 Number of ECTS credits: 15
Module Availability
Assessment Pattern

The assessment of the project has three component modules (RP1, RP2 and RP3) that give rise to a single averaged mark to determine pass/failure/compensation.



Therefore your final project mark is the equivalent of two 15 credit modules







·              Supervisor’s assessment of your performance, both practically and in formulating the literature review and use of resources (70%, or 100% for Nutrition programme students)



·               Agreed mark for the seminar presentation (30%, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Science programme students)






·               The supervisor’s assessment of the thesis as a piece of scientific writing.






·               The internal examiner’s assessment of the thesis as a piece of scientific writing. 

RP2 and RP3 Marking Criteria



Overall Rating




% Mark Range



First Class





A comprehensive dissertation showing evidence of significant independent thought, originality and critical judgement.


A very well structured and written dissertation of literary quality






80 - 100



First Class





A comprehensive dissertation showing evidence of thought independence, originality and critical judgement.


A well structured and written dissertation





70 - 79



Upper Second Class



A good pass. A sound dissertation with evidence of some critical ability and independent thought.


Well structured and written.





60 - 69



Lower Second Class



A satisfactory pass.


A reasonable dissertation with awareness of the main issues, but lacking in critical judgement. Some errors in dissertation layout.






50 - 59



Third Class



Acceptable standard. Dissertation lacks critical judgement.


Notable errors in dissertation layout and weak writing ability.





40 - 49






A weak dissertation, although some evidence of appreciation of the project objectives.


Lacking critical judgement. Notable errors in dissertation layout.





35 - 39



Weak Project




Dissertation is vague, skimpy and inaccurate.


Many written and layout errors.




25 - 34



Very weak dissertation



Very poor dissertation presentation and content.


Very little understanding of project objectives.





15 -24



Of little merit



Very poor dissertation presentation and content.


No understanding of project objectives.





0 - 14


Module Overview
Module Aims
  • To provide experience in information retrieval relevant to a specific topic of research
  • To acquire specific practical research skills
  • To develop the student's capacity for independent investigation
  • To develop written presentation skills


Learning Outcomes

On the successful completion of the project you should:

  • be able to use electronic databases to access information
  • be able to interpret and assess the relevance of scientific literature
  • have an increased capacity for independent research
  • have the ability to analyse and interpret research data
  • be able to write a detailed and well-constructed scientific report
Module Content




Semester One



Week 1:             Student project selection



Week 2:             Projects allocated to students



Week 3 - 15:


              ¿     Discussions with supervisor and planning of research


              ¿     COSHH assessment and assessment of need for Ethical Committee approval


              ¿     Literature searching and preparing the Introduction to dissertation


              ¿     Collation of research papers


              ¿     Establishing experimental techniques in the laboratory/field



Library Referencing Skills and Statistical training sessions will be held during the Autumn Semester



Please book your session on the library website



Useful online training and help is also available so all students can access support for referencing their dissertation




Semester Two



Weeks 1 - 9:     Main body of practical work carried out


                          Seminar presentation (Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biomedical Science)


                          Completion of Introduction to dissertation


                          Writing of Methods, Results, Discussion and References



Week 10:            Submission of dissertation (Nutrition)


Friday 10am - Week 10



Week 11:            Submission of dissertation (Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biomedical Science)


Monday 10am - Week 11


Methods of Teaching/Learning
Practical research project
Selected Texts/Journals
Last Updated
15 April 2011